Energetic Weather Report
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What to Do When Your Guardian Angels Leave
One of the most heartbreaking things I hear from people is that they believe that their guardian angels have left them. I don’t hear it too often, but the people who I do hear it from are pretty certain their angels have abandoned them. I even had one woman tell me...
Let’s Make a Deal!
When I was growing up, the premier gameshow on television was “Let’s Make a Deal.” Prior to writing this message to you, I googled it and was rather surprised it’s still on the air. But if you’ve never heard of it, the show’s host creates deals with contestants chosen...
It Just Doesn’t Hurt Anymore
Today would’ve been my father’s 86th birthday. He only actually made it to 61 so he’s been gone quite a long while. This is not a topic I broach very often, but my father and I did not have a pleasant relationship. He was an angry and abusive man. The angry part he...
Ever Wonder Y Something Happens?
Sometimes it’s hard to know why something happens - or is happening - in our lives. Why do we feel off? Why didn’t things turn out the way we had envisioned? Or even why are people we love having such difficulties? I’ve been there. I once had a situation occur in my...
Reclaiming Home
Last weekend I was teaching at 1440 Multiversity. It was a blessed experience in that I had amazing students. So this first paragraph is a shout out to them. (Hey y’alls!) Later, I went for a planning meeting regarding the rest of 2019, 2020, and even into the first...
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Believe in your magic.