Decades ago, I went through what I call my Harry Potter Fantasy Phase (HPFP.) That’s just a silly way to say I was OB-SESSED with the Harry Potter books, movies, and all that went with them. I dressed up several Halloweens in a row as Harry, bought round prescription glasses to wear (even though the shape really didn’t suit my face, and briefly considered a small, subtle tattoo of a lightning bolt on my forehead.
Reading the books made me feel a sense of longing. Maybe they did that to you too? They made me feel like “this was supposed to be my life.” I was supposed to get a letter by owl and be transported to a magical university where my true magical nature would be (at last!) revealed.
When the last book came out, I purchased it immediately but didn’t read it for months. I knew that if I did read it, the saga would be over and I just didn’t want that to happen.
I have since grown up a bit and learned that we make our own magical opportunities to learn. Life is as magical “in real life” as we set ourselves up for it to be.
What I didn’t ever expect was that maybe I was meant to help people to do that very thing.
After years of talking about it, putting it off, and frankly just outright being insecure about trying to do it, I finally did it. I have created my own little magical school. It’s called the Magical Membership.
Inside the magical walls of this super safe-space, I will be teaching the students who feel called to join the family. Every month, I’ll be bringing you brand-new teachings, tutorials, exercises and more:
- A brand-new video workshop featuring your favorite Archangels
- A brand-new beautifully designed PDF workbook with writing exercises
- A brand-new downloadable Angel meditation
- A brand-new downloadable PDF Tarot spread worksheet + new tutorial video
- A LIVE 90-minute Group Q&A where you can ask me (and the cards or your Angels) your questions
- Bonuses, sneak previews, surprises, and wherever else Spirit guides us…
- PLUS: Save $$$ on selected programs at my school
And there will be other magical things that come up as we move along… Just yesterday on my Angel Walk, new things were fluttering through my mind.
There is a monthly curriculum that moves through each of the major archangels as well as tarot lessons that match the topics.
For example, in June we’re working with Archangel Jophiel to Awaken to Positive Thinking. In July, we’re working with Haniel to Awaken and Expand your Spiritual Gifts. Most of the lessons are about developing your ability to create the magical life you deserve.
Enrollment is now open, but it will close fairly soon. Check it out and see if it calls your name. Does this opportunity call to your inner Hermione? Do you feel your wand calling to you?
Consider this email to be your invitation by owl >>>
Hope you can join us!
With love,
My 12 Holiday Gifts for You
I think that every month has a feeling. Without jumping around too much, I think October has the thrill of autumn, turning leaves, and the spooky fun of Halloween. November feels like a time for gratitude and counting our blessings. December - at least to me - is the...
Energetic Weather Report for November 29th – December 5th
Well, Angel Wisdom Tarot Cards are apparently ready for the holidays. They predicted everything from Black Friday to Cyber Monday to Charitable Giving (or windfalls for you) to the general frenzy by week’s end of the first full weekend of December. you might also...
Mom Valentine Takes Over My Blog
As you might know, I just finished up a new video course called Tarot & Mediumship. I taught it with the amazing medium, Heather Hildebrand. My mother passed away in May of 2013 (right after Mother’s Day) but she still gets her messages through to me. Often, they...
Energetic Weather Report for November 22nd – 28th
I pulled this week’s Energetic Weather Report from Angel Wisdom Tarot Cards. This deck just loves to tell a story! This week is all about you making a conscious decision to make a change in your life. Each day is a part of the story as to how you progress on that...
Grateful for My Weirdness
I have been on a long progression of weirdness my entire life. Think about it… by the time I was 7 or 8 years old, I was already a gay, part Cherokee, musical, psychic, angel chattering, car loving, sci-fi nerd, who either wanted to be a singer or an astronaut. Oh,...