By the time you read this, I will be coming off of what I’m calling an “emotional sabbatical.” 2019 has been an immense blessing. It’s also been very educational and a ton of work. This year alone I have been in New York (both the city and upstate), Toronto, Chicago, Santa Cruz and Orange County California, Stockbridge MA, Salzburg Austria, Munich and Hamburg Germany, and Dublin Ireland. I still have Austin Texas to visit with my dear friend Dougall Fraser in November.

On top of that travel I have worked on two new tarot decks for Hay House, done numerous magazine, radio, and TV interviews, created two new courses, and participated in multiple summits. And none of that includes the personal things in my life that needed tending.

In short, by mid-September I was completely worn out and becoming concerned I was going to burn out.

After chatting with friends, I contacted my team and asked them to please “just run things.” I would continue to do Ask Rad!, my radio show Magical Things, the cards of the day, film the Energetic Weather Reports, and write the newsletters.

I know that for some, it doesn’t sound like much of a sabbatical if I’m still doing all that work. But remember I called it an emotional sabbatical. I temporarily removed from my shoulders the big projects that were stressing me out and weighing me down. This made time for going for walks, sitting in contemplation, journaling, and taking to my angels.

It also left some time for me to actually do a few things just for fun.

I am very much aware that I have not been doing things the right way. People who do things the right way tend to….

make time for themselves like this on a daily basis. They meditate in the morning, or take breaks during the day to journal. I’m embarrassed to say I haven’t done any of that for a long time. I have been getting up at 4am each day and immediately going to work. At around 4pm I stop. I figure that that’s 12 hours and should be good enough. Then I cook for my family and clean up afterwards and eventually fall exhausted into bed.

Not good.

I recently came across a meme on Facebook that really, really moved me. It said “Self-love isn’t just embracing your Light. It’s also being aware of when you’re off course, taking accountability for that, and then fixing it.” I was unable to find a source for these magical words. But they resonated. They also matched a totally spot-on accurate reading I had with the amazing Heather Hildebrand. The messages from my passed over mother, father, aunt, grandmother, and friend all mirrored this message.

Professionally, I was on course. Personally, I was just wandering in the wilderness.

But no more.

The time I took to remove the pressure has been magical. I have listened to my reading from Heather over and over each time getting more from it. I have taken that information and implemented it. Now the trick is to stay on course. To turn these new self-loving practices into habits. Daily habits.

It is amazing the things that you can learn about yourself, life, and the world when you give yourself time to speak to yourself and your angels.

Learn from me. Listen to you.

 Angel blessings,

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