Believe it or not, we are just about half way through this year. I have alternated between feeling like time was moving impossibly slow to being astonished that we are about to enter the month of July.  

I find myself just sort of being resigned to the idea that whatever happens, happens. Aliens land on the grounds of the Smithsonian? Eh. So what? The Abominable Snowman from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer comes climbing over the Rocky Mountains? Meh. 

And yet.   

We’ve passed the mark of the Summer Solstice. We’re looking right into the eyes of the second half of 2020. Maybe we should face that prospect with angels on our side. With that in mind, here are a few archangels that you might want to engage as we come down the other side of the roller coaster that 2020 has been so far.  First of all,  

Archangel Michael 

Ask the great blue one to use his sword of Light to sever your energetic connections to the first half of 2020. Let it go. Whatever those 6 months have brought into your life, make it the past. Stand in the present. Have hope for the future.   

Archangel Gabriel

 Ask the “strength of God” to fire you up and get you motivated for the next 6 months. Ask for creative revelations and inspiration to make something wonderful out of July – December. I’m serious. Rock the second half of 2020! 

Archangel Raphael 

Ask Raphael (whom God heals) to keep you healthy and strong for the rest of the year. See his emerald green light raining down upon you and those you love washing away any sign of possible illness or disease. You are vibrant. You are strong. You are healed.  

 Archangel Uriel 

Ask the golden “fire of God” to make your life shine like glitter. Allow for brilliant epiphanies that lead to emotional healing. Accept that rejuvenating energy and transform your life with it!   

I know I said sometimes I feel resigned, but that’s mostly just a joke. (Mostly.) Like just about everyone I know, I’m tired from the first half of this year, but I believe there is only one way to go right now. And that’s up, Up, UP!   

Wanna come with me?


Angel blessings,





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