My microwave is talking to me.  

Sure… I could be all “muggle-ly” and presume it’s broken, but I’m an “angel signs” kind of guy so that’s not my first thought. 

You see, the keyboard keeps starting to beep when no one is anywhere near it. I can be sitting in a room on the other side of the house and suddenly hear “beep! beep! beep!” It was very annoying at first, but I’ve come to realize that every time it just suddenly goes off there’s a message.  Whenever I approach the microwave it stops beeping. The settings on the screen are always angel numbers! It might be set to 44:44. Or 55:55. This morning it was 3:33.  It’s never a random set of numbers like 21:57 (though that could be an angel number too if it reappears often enough.)  Every single time it’s just the same number repeating.  

The whole thing has me wondering if I should write a book called “Microwave Angels 101!” 

This is the magical thing about the ways in which the angels speak to us. I am a firm believer that our guardian angels have a distinct sense of humor (if you’re open to it.) I love to laugh. So the concept of my angels just randomly choosing to use a microwave to make me get up from my work and walk to the other side of the house to get a message actually entertains me no end!  It just makes me roll my eyes and think “Seriously guys?”  

Breaking your daily pattern is a powerful way for your angels to get your attention. Whether it’s via white feathers, songs about angels on the radio, or the absurdity of using a microwave, your angels are going to use whatever works for you personally.  

How are your angels getting your attention right now?


Angel blessings,


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