I have been having a spectacular time doing the thing that I love most.
We’ve moved through keys one and two in my new free, three-part webinar series called “Three Keys to Unlocking Your Magical Life” and the students are fantastic! So smart and funny and insightful. This is what I love about teaching – the students. I also love the fact that I always learn from the students – we’re all just teaching each other! And it’s just so amazing to see the students faces as they blow past their blockages to start manifesting the magical life they deserve!
We will be moving on to the third key tomorrow, Tuesday May 25th, but it’s not too late for you! If you’d like to join us, you still can. If you sign up here, you can join the thousands of students already signed up! You’ll have time to catch up on the videos from Key One and Key Two and be ready for Key Three which is all about the magical part of manifesting.
If you’re feeling blocked or stuck or in any way like you’re not living your full, magical life, then come join us. We’d love to welcome you into our magical community! And don’t forget… it’s absolutely free!
Angel Blessings,
Energetic Weather Report for July 13th – 19th
This week’s Energetic Weather Report was a fiery one from Angel Tarot Cards! Enjoying the fruits of your labors on Monday and Tuesday leads to thinking about the future on Wednesday and Thursday. And then poof! Just like magic, new opportunities show up on the...
Energetic Weather Report for July 6th – 12th
The Guardian Angels were calling to me when I went to bring you this week’s Energetic Weather Report. Monday and Tuesday may be a little quiet (or perhaps you need them to be.) Wednesday and Thursday show that you could use a little personal TLC. The weekend calls...
Getting the Drama People Out of Your Life
A few years ago, my perception of relationships began to change dramatically. I don’t have all the reasons at my disposal, but I think I just started to get tired. I got tired of saying yes to everyone when I really wanted to say no. I got tired of drama in my life....
Energetic Weather Report for June 29th – July 5th
For this week’s Energetic Weather Report, I asked Angel Answers Oracle Cards for the scoop and this is what they said. Monday and Tuesday are full of opportunity! Wednesday and Thursday are about forgiveness (could be someone around you or could be yourself. The...
Angel Help for the Second Half of 2020
Believe it or not, we are just about half way through this year. I have alternated between feeling like time was moving impossibly slow to being astonished that we are about to enter the month of July. I find myself just sort of being resigned to the idea that...