Many of you know that I go on regular, early morning strolls. I call them “angel walks” and it’s how I try to start off my day on the right foot (no pun intended.) It’s also meant to be a way for me to count my blessings while also staying grounded. You see, I have a tendency to get overwhelmed when there are too many things happening at once. Most of the time the feeling of overwhelment (that’s a new word – I just made it up) goes away pretty quickly and I realize that my perception that I couldn’t handle all the balls I have in the air is just a moment of panic. Every once in a while though, the overwhelment is legit. This is when I have to do some work to balance the blessings.

I wish I could tell you that this is a simple process and is just a quick chat with the angels, but it’s sadly more complicated than that. The first thing I do is ask Archangel Michael to pop in and sever my energetic connections to fear, worry, and anxiety. I also ask that Michael block those connections from coming back throughout the day. Then I ask Archangel Chamuel (the eyes of God) to help me to see the situation clearly. I ask Jophiel (the beauty of God) to help me to see all my blessings for what they are: blessings! Joyful opportunities. The trap for me can be that I then circle back to thinking that I must say yes to every offering presented to me.

This is a type of scarcity mentality. The false illusion that one must grab every opportunity presented out of fear that those opportunities might dry up. As you may know, that is not something I believe in. So, then I just roll my eyes at myself. I might have to ask Archangel Michael to have another whack at me since I may have just undone what he just cleaned up for me.

Finally, I ask Archangels Gabriel and Uriel to provide me with creative, and brilliant epiphanies plus the motivation to bring them all to reality.

Some people say that if you love your work, then your work will be play. I don’t think I agree with that. I love my work. It makes me very, very happy! However, I think there is an important difference between joyful work and play. Balancing your blessings means leaving room for both.

Speaking of loving my work, I really do try to make learning fun. The good folks at Hay House have chosen to offer my Certified Angel Tarot Reader course at a whopping 60% off. I love it when they do things like that because it means an influx of new, magical souls to our amazing community of students. They’re also offering up a ton of free stuff if you sign up.

So, give it a peek here: Certified Angel Tarot Reader


Have a magical week!




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