The world is a big place. There are infinite challenges, concerns, and needs out there that beg to be addressed. I don’t believe that any of them are hugely more important than the others.  You might disagree, and I respect that.  But I presume you would agree with me that we can’t all attack every single issue.

I think about this all the time. I will see a distressing piece of news fly by on social media and my heart goes out to those who have been affected. I say a quick little angel prayer for those being challenged, but mostly I move on. Unless the issue is the one I most feel compelled to help with.

I believe that each of us has a “heart issue.”  By that I mean, the cause that tugs at our heart strings or gets us riled up enough to take action. I believe that we have the heart issues that we have because those are the ones we’re meant to go after. Using fake names here, Sally cares about cancer while John is concerned about addiction. Susan is involved in environmental issues, and David’s heart issue is world hunger.

And there are issues that might seem smaller to some people, but are the top priority for others. The issue I most care about is caring for animals – in particular, dogs and other pets. I could explain that in detail, but honestly it’s not my point.

My point here is that we all have to look at the caretaking of the world and it’s inhabitants (no matter how many legs they have) as a group effort.  I do this, and you do that.  Susan handles her issue, and Dave works on his. If we look at them from a global perspective, nothing is more important than the other because they are all crucial.

They all matter.

I believe we have to follow our guidance and chase after our heart issues but then give ourselves a break because we can’t all do it all!  Trust that Source is pointing you towards the global problem you’re meant to pursue and don’t judge that.  Instead, trust it.

I have some friends who feel very powerfully about the importance of sobriety for those who feel called to be alcohol or drug fee in their lives. I agree with Brigitte & Doug Parvin that this is very important.   I hadn’t thought about the challenge that our current global pandemic would create for people who fight their addictions (whatever they are) every day until Brigitte posted something on Facebook about it.

Oh duh, Radleigh.  Right.  That has to be extremely difficult right now.  It made me want to help.   I felt the tug in my heart.

Today, (click link to watch re-play) I’m going to be hosting a Facebook Live Event  with Brigitte to talk about strategies for helping people for whom the global crisis is creating a very specific, and personal crisis as well. If this topic resonates for you or for people you know and love, I hope that you will tune today on my facebook page.  Perhaps you could share the video to your pages so that others who need support can see it.

I think we have to keep helping each other at this crazy time on planet Earth.  Pursue your heart issues, but also cut yourself a break if you start stressing out.

Because you can’t do everything.  Just do what you’re called to do.







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