One of my awesome team members recently posted a meme on my social media pages. It read:

“If I waited until I had all of my ducks in a row, I’d never get across the street. Sometimes you just have to gather up what you’ve got and make a run for it.”


The quote was attributed to Judge Lynn Toler, though in all honesty I never could confirm that with 100% accuracy. But it seemed to be correct.

How many of us are constantly trying to get everything perfect before we take action? Does it seem to you like a spiritual epidemic that people stand on the sidelines wringing their hands lest they make a mistake?

I know I’ve done that. The old Certified Public Accountant in me wants every T crossed and every I dotted and the risk of anything less than perfection to be near zero.

If that sounds like you… if you’re procrastinating taking your big leap of faith, then I have news for you…

You need to make a run for it.

I am by no means telling you to jump off a cliff all willy nilly. I’m all for planning and preparation. But when planning turns into eternal delays, that’s when you know you have a problem. If it seems to you that your life purpose or dreams are just getting farther and farther away, then maybe that’s your clue it’s time to finally let go of your fear and just go for it!

Here’s another analogy. Imagine that your little boat of dreams is tied to the dock. You’ve been getting it ready for your big adventure. Your trip of a lifetime. The boat is stocked and the crew is ready. But every issue turns into a fear of failure for you.

It might rain. It might snow. The wind might blow in the wrong direction. What if you get lost?

The truth is, you’re already lost. Your boat is tied to the pier and your destination is across the sea. You can’t get any more lost than that!

The time has come for you to untie your little boat. Go on your adventure!  If it rains, take cover. If the winds blow the wrong way, reset your sails. If you get lost, then trust that the Universe is taking you to an even better destination than you could’ve come up with for yourself.

Or just look to the sky and search for a friendly star.

The Divine always shines brightly!

Quack quack,


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