If you’ve been following along in January, then you know that our theme has been “A Fresh Start.” Last week we talked about A Fresh Start with Archangel Michael. This week we’re talking about A Fresh Start with your Guardian Angels.  

Archangel Michael is an archangel and he is here for the entire world. He’s omnipresent, so he can be in many, many places at once. Your guardian angels are very, very different. Your guardian angels are here for you and only you. People usually have more than one guardian angel. I’ve never seen anybody with less than two. If you believe in reincarnation, then you might find this very interesting because your guardian angels know more about you than you do. And the reason for that is because they have been following you in and out of lifetimes for ages.  

Now, let’s get to the part that people ask about all the time. What are your guardian angel’s names? Well, guess what? They don’t care. I’m serious! They could not care less. You could call your two guardian angels “mustard and ketchup” and that would be fine. They don’t care what you call them. All they care is that you call upon them. That you speak to them and allow them to help you in any way that they possibly can. 

Anyone can learn to communicate with their angels. It’s not just me! If you’d like to learn more about that, check out my podcast on the topic by visiting The Angel Tarot show on mindbodyspirit.fm where you’ll also find my podcast on Archangel Michael. 

Also, I have a class coming up called Angel Guardians Empowerment and Protection for 2023. It’s a four lesson, once a week course. Lesson 1 is called The Many Faces of Archangel Michael. Lesson 2 is Centering, Clearing and Cleansing. Lesson 3 is Invoking Safety and Protection and Lesson 4 is Unlocking Confidence and Empowerment. If you’d like to find out more about it, click on this link! You can go and read up all about it!


Angel blessings,



Angel Tarot Cards Are Now Available

The Angel Tarot Cards by Dr. Doreen Virtue, Radleigh Valentine, and Steve A. Roberts are available for order NOW on Amazon.com, Hay House.com, as well as in most book stores!

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