Memes professing the importance of self-love on social media are a dime a dozen. That’s not to demean the importance of their messages. As one of my favorite diva’s always says “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?” And that’s 100% true.
As one of those many memes crossed my page the other day, I suddenly heard in my mind the old Whitney Houston hit “How Will I Know?” But more specifically I heard “How will I know if I really love me?”
It is a very little-known fact that in college (as I was changing my major every 10 minutes) for a few months my major was psychology. I was an 18 year old closeted gay guy from the south, so you can probably do the math as to why I was delving into a science that promises self-insight. Even though I would move on to several other majors before settling on accounting, I never lost my interest in understanding what drives us from a conscious and subconscious level. And given the power of the subconscious in our lives, how do I know if I truly love myself? How does anyone?
Virtually every person I know has exhibited some little quirk or self-harming behavior at some point in their lives. Due to the pandemic, I haven’t set foot in a gym in over a year nor have I taken the steps I should have to provide myself with a home-based physical fitness program.
Well, that’s not very self-loving. What’s up with that?
I could give you a list of reasons that might (but probably wouldn’t) explain why I’ve flubbed up this aspect of living through the weird times we’re experiencing, but the point isn’t to get you to understand it. The point is that I understand it.
I am not a psychologist, but I have always thought that the subconscious was potentially more powerful than the conscious. It’s also far trickier to get a handle on since it’s not exactly within easy reach of our conscious minds. So, when someone (including me) makes an unhealthy choice I can’t help but ask why.
I think I love me. But what if there’s still self-loathing stuff from high school still lurking unnoticed down deep inside?
If I was going to partner with some archangels on this topic, I would choose Archangel Zadkiel for self-forgiveness, Archangel Jeremiel for a life review, Archangel Michael for cutting my energetic connections to the past, and Archangel Jophiel to help me to keep my positive thoughts about myself front and center.
I’d also make sure my guardian angels were helping me to get clear on my own motivations and to make healthier choices.
Frankly, I think the lack of a physical fitness regime for the last year is more laziness and allowing work to take over more than a self-respect issue. But it can’t hurt to do a little soul-searching.
What about you? Do you know if you really love you?
Angel blessings,
What am I Missing?
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Hi Radleigh, here’s a different angle on this subject: There’s someone out there whom I love profoundly!!! Dearly!!! How do I know? Because my heart does and lets me know. My heart knows a lot more than my mind and is guiding me very well. (Thank you, my heart!!!) Aren’t the people in our lives and how we get along with them just a reflection of ourselves? and of the relationship we have with ourselves? Is this not why there are other people IN our lives? Because through the relationship with others we indeed learn so much about our true relationship with ourselves. I know I love myself! Maybe I didn’t always. 10 or so years ago I might not have been able to love this person so very much, in fact, before I met him I didn’t even know I could love another human being so very much indeed. So, I say, we learn to love ourselves at the same time as we learn to love others (and vice versa) And don’t ask your mind this question “How will I know?” but ask your heart. I say, good idea to ask the great Zzzzadster in on this so you can easily forgive yourself for not going to a gym since…. well, a while anyway… Tell ya what, I shall do the same thing as soon as this comment is sent. Sending you llllots of love and llllots of blessings, Julia
I love me more and more. 🙂 seriously my imperfections do not out weigh my hearts intentions nor my purpose. If I pick on myself then I won’t be focusing on producing what helps me feel satisfied today and the work I can accomplish for tomorrows….anyways. I had a breakthrough….as for your letter, this year has been unsettling and I’ve watched you your different posts letters etc… from the beginning. Each person has reacted differently, tho all could be categorized into general groups with various reaction labels. Needless to say, for me, everyday is different right now. I can’t tell you where exactly my location will be next week, but I can tell you in my off time, you will find I use the majority working towards my goals. Love you Radleigh and you’re perfect, work outs or not! ❤ have a fantastic week!
I’ve been battling some depression lately, and I came to ask myself do I really love me. How much am I actually doing for myself and why I think of myself the way I do. Thank you for posting this, because it’s bringing more awareness to another healthy habit I should be doing. Which is loving myself. Much love Rad, you’ll always be my favorite teacher and guardian. <3
Hi Angela, sending you waves of compassion! Allow yourself to be compassionate with yourself and to love yourself through this depression without thinkin “I should”. Your angels know you are always doing your best!