I used to attend LIVE events. I don’t mean speaking at live events, I mean attending them as a participant. Frankly, that now feels like ages ago to me. I think back to that Radleigh and think “Good heavens, he was so young.” I also think back with a gentle smile at how much he would grow, and learn, and become during that time. From a tarot standpoint, I was the Page of Earth (Coins) nursing an obsession with learning everything I could about the angels, cards, and spirituality.
I suppose I still have that obsession. Or so a certain archangel told me yesterday. But I digress…
That was such a magical time for me. I made friends that would last my entire life. The things I learned changed my life. Those events put me on a path to discovering who the true me was so that I could embrace him. I lost a lot of shame, guilt, and regret – none of which do I miss one bit. I also remember thinking even back then that I wanted to pay that whole thing forward. I wanted to be the teacher setting people free and personally introducing them to angels and languages of the Divine.
It still shocks me that the desire to be the teacher/mentor became a real thing.
I am extremely grateful for the last two years. Teaching via video courses has expanded my ability to reach people and spread the gift of spiritual connection beyond what I ever dreamed of. But I still miss seeing people in person. I miss hugging them and laughing with them and watching their eyes light up as they awaken to their own Divinity.
I rely heavily upon my team of human advisors. I listen very closely to what they say and I follow their advice about 90% of the time. So when they came to me a couple of months ago and said “Radleigh, it’s time. It’s time to go back to in-person events.” I will admit the emotions I felt were a mix of excitement and trepidation. But I also knew that they were 100% right.
It was time for a spiritual reunion. It was time for us (me and you) to get back together again.
Being together with spiritual kindred spirits is an uplifting experience beyond any other. The excitement, laughter, poignancy, and epiphany that happens is nearly impossible to describe. It is a euphoric moment to awaken to the whispers of guidance from your angels. It changes you forever.
So yeah. It’s time. It’s time for us to get back together again. So I reached out to the my dear friend, Dougall Fraser and said “You wanna do this thing?” His response was “Oh yes! 100%!”
That’s a thing he says. “100%”. LOL!
Dougall and I co-created a spiritual methodology called Angels & Auras. We’ve been teaching it for some time now. What we decided we wanted to do was to take that philosophy and expand it into (what I’m calling) a spiritual extravaganza! It’s going to be an angel party to end all angel parties with aura rainbows swirling in every direction! I get giddy just thinking about it! I simply cannot wait to see your face glowing in the joy of it!
Interested? Tired of being cooped up in the house? Ready for some in-person epiphany and euphoria? Check out our plans here!
I am so excited for this re-introduction into angel society. And do I hope you’ll join Dougall and I?
Oh yes. I truly do. 100%.
Angel and Aura blessings,
The Power of Love Everlasting
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