Believe it or not, it’s been around 20 years since I decided I didn’t want to do accounting anymore. Shortly after that, I quit my job and started to follow my dream of teaching and doing readings. It didn’t go so well at first and so after a few years, I (temporarily) gave up. This left me lost as to what my life purpose was. I started getting readings from other intuitives, asking them “what is my life purpose?” Some of them would tell me I was supposed to be a teacher. Others would say I knew in my heart what my life purpose was and I should just follow that.

The truth is, they were right. However, I couldn’t see that. I had subconsciously eliminated the possibility that I could become a Hay House author, speaker, teacher, and reader because I didn’t think it was possible.

I quite literally hid my own life purpose from myself. And so naturally, I was at a complete loss as to what to do. I even enrolled in real estate school!

When people ask me what their life purpose is, I always turn that question back to them because of my experience. I ask them “If you could do anything and be sure that you wouldn’t fail, what would you do?” It is amazing to me the number of people who can’t answer that question because they too, have hidden their life purpose from themselves because they don’t believe it’s possible.

If you are struggling with what your life purpose is, then I encourage you to ask yourself that same question. Trust me, you know the answer. It’s within you.

If you had a 100% guarantee from the Divine that you could do whatever you desired and not fail…what would you choose?

And when you have that answer, trust yourself and the Divine enough to at least give it a try. Or two tries. Try again if you’ve tried before.

Life is magic. But sometimes it takes more than one attempt for the magic to happen.


Angel blessings,


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