I’m a nerd. I don’t say that in a self-deprecating way. Actually, I rather like being a nerd! And I’m a very multifaceted nerd, too. I’m a classic car nerd, a sci-fi nerd, and a symbolism nerd. I love all of this stuff. And for those reasons, if you saw my personal social media newsfeed, you’d be bombarded with images of 1964 Thunderbirds, Lost in Space and Star Trek, as well as all kinds of metaphysical posts. That’s one of the upsides of social media. No matter what interests you, there are countless others within reach who are interested in the same things. That part can be fun!

The part that isn’t fun (and the serious downside to social media) are the unkind and overly opinionated people.

I simply do not get that part. I wish someone could explain it to me!

For example, this past week I was responding to a post in one of the Lost in Space private groups that I’m a member of. Someone asked what our favorite episodes were. I posted one of mine. The originator of the post then took it upon himself to scream at me for choosing what he felt was clearly an inferior episode.

I mean. Come on. We’re talking Lost in Space here! You know… The campy TV show from the 1960’s? It’s not exactly high-brow television. And the whole point of the private group is fun. I simply couldn’t understand for the life of me why this guy was so upset with me over my personal opinion! My favorite episode doesn’t diminish his favorite episode, so where’s the problem?

I’ve noticed this is my car fan groups too. If someone posts a picture of a car I don’t like, do you know what I say?


Honestly, why say anything? That person likes that car. I don’t. So what? If someone posts a car I love, I give that post lots of love.

I suppose I can at least partially understand people who get all feisty over religion or politics. Maybe. (Sort of.)

What I just can’t understand is the drive to be unkind over something so harmless as what TV show do you like or what is your favorite classic car.

I worry about our society. I worry about the future. I worry that social media is tearing us all apart.

What do you think? Should I be concerned?

Or am I just being a nerd? 


Angel blessings,




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