I am not exaggerating at all when I tell you that I have completely lost track of how many events I have done since I signed my first Hay House contract back in 2012. The venues are a blur as are the airports and hotels. But the one that is not a blur and is also completely unforgettable is Engelkongress (aka Angel Congress.)

My German language producer’s name is Greta. She’s amazing and has taught me a lot. For example, ice cream is not just a breakfast food. Bumblebees make outstanding confidants, and flip-flops are totally adequate footwear for a snowstorm. Another thing I have learned from Greta is that the German speaking countries are my soulmates. (Waving at you Austria, Germany, and Switzerland!) Another thing I have loved about Engelkongress has been getting to spend time with other angel teachers such as Kyle Gray, Diana Cooper, and Isabelle Von Follois. Engelkongress is a literal smorgasbord of ideas and poignant experiences with the angels.

This event has always been focused upon practical, real life ways to bring the angels into your life. Engelkongress has also always been presented in both English and German to allow for as many people to join in on the fun as possible. Here’s what I’m speaking about this year:

So many of us have struggled to make it through the last year and a half… feelings of loss, grief, frustration, and confusion have kept us stuck in a place of uncertainty and fear.

You probably know by now that this is a vitally important time for us as human beings, and it’s also an important opportunity for us spiritually.

Maybe you’ve been asking yourself what guidance or support is available to you now?What clarity is still waiting to be discovered? What resourcefulness could you still tap into? Is there some way to pleasantly surprise yourself in the middle of all of this?

If you could remove just a little bit of the uncertainty or confusion about what to do next or what you’re ready to explore this year… would it help?

If you could add just a little bit of magic to your everyday life… would you be able to keep moving forward with certainty and strength?

Well, bringing magic into your life happens to be a specialty of mine. And I’m here to help.

If that resonates with you, I hope you’ll join me at this year’s virtual Engelkongress! All the information you need can be found right Here! Just like always, it will be powerful, it will be poignant, and it will be a hoot and a half!

Angel blessings,



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