When I was growing up, the premier gameshow on television was “Let’s Make a Deal.” Prior to writing this message to you, I googled it and was rather surprised it’s still on the air. But if you’ve never heard of it, the show’s host creates deals with contestants chosen from the audience. Often, a contestant will be given something upon being selected and then offered opportunities to bargain for something that they hope will be better than what they were initially given.
A common “deal” used to be that the selected contestant would be given an amount of money – let’s say $1,000. The show’s host would then tell the contestant they could trade the the money they just received for what was behind Door #1, Door #2, or Door #3. These doors were as large as garage doors and might be hiding a new car! Or they might hiding something silly like a jar of peanut butter. The contestant would then have to decide “do I keep the money I have or risk it for something possibly way better?”
Right about now you may be thinking “Okay, Rad. Fine. What’s your point?” LOL!
My point is that our lives can be like this gameshow. Think of it this way…
What if what lies behind Door #1 are big changes? Changes that lead you to your best, most authentic life. Truly, the best you that you can be. Being happier than you’ve ever been. There may be risk. Some of the changes necessary will be demanding and possibly even require you to give up something that you think you need. Most likely you will discover that those things that you thought you needed you never really needed at all In fact, they were just holding you back. Door #1 almost always leads to hard work, but its work you love. If you’re doing it right, it won’t feel like work though surely sometimes you will feel tired. But you will also feel great joy and fulfillment.
Behind Door #2 is the status quo. Metaphorically, you’re just basically keeping the $1,000. There is change from time to time, but it’s small stuff. The changes you do make are meant to keep everything in your life exactly the way it is. Things seem pretty good to you anyway so why go to the extra effort that Door #1 requires? This is good enough. And there’s very little risk. But you are missing out on more than you could possibly imagine.
Door #3 is no change. This is the jar of peanut butter, but the expiration date was last week. You might be surprised to hear me say that what’s behind Door #3 is probably more risky than Door #1 or Door #2. With no change and no effort often comes unhappiness. It’s partially the Universe’s “fault” as the Universe is always pushing you towards joy. And if you are not on a path towards your Divine life purpose, it’s going to slowly make you more and more unhappy in an effort to get you to make changes. It’s the job you don’t like that just keeps getting worse. Or the relationship you’re in that just keeps getting more emotionally draining. It’s holding on to things you think you need to be happy when those things are really just to cover up how unhappy you are.
Someone created a meme on social media this past week that said “I had to make you uncomfortable, otherwise you never would have moved.” It was signed “The Universe.” This is something that I have written about for a very long time and is a basic premise in my teachings these days. Again, it’s Door #3.
If this analogy rings true for you, you can thank my dream guides because this is what they showed me in a dream this past week. I got up at 4am to write this to you because it seemed so important. I think my angels were trying to let me know that I need to stop wavering between Door #1 and Door #2 and even more fully commit to my Divine life purpose.
Unlike the gameshow, you don’t have to pick which door you want today. Take some time. Think about it this week. Which door are you picking? Door #1 is a conscious choice and it’s a choice you have to keep making.
Not choosing at all means you may be living the life of Door #3 without knowing it.
Let’s make a deal. Choose Door #1 with me.
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