A few years ago, I was speaking at an event in Austria with several other authors. Two of those authors were Kyle Gray and Rebecca Campbell. They were chatting about “their word” and what each of them had chosen and how it had related to the year that they were experiencing.

My response was “What? What word? What are you talking about “your word?” You have a word? I want a word!”

It’s not a new practice to choose a word to represent your life for a coming year, but somehow, I had never heard of this idea. I think Kyle and Rebecca were shocked that this was a new concept to me, but somehow this little manifesting tool had completely escaped my notice. So, as I entered 2019, the word I chose for myself was “rise.” I had several reasons for choosing that word including a sense that it was time for me to rise above certain things that were happening around me. I needed to sever my energetic connections to what other people were doing and just fly on my own.

For 2020 I chose the word “unshakeable.” Now keep in mind, that word was chosen before we’d even heard the words covid or pandemic, but it’s what came to me so I went with it. Who would’ve ever imagined that that word would be so utterly perfect and profoundly powerful during this past year. I even printed the word out and taped it to the top of my laptop.

For 2021, I have chosen the word “soar.” It’s a word I chose for professional reasons, but it also has important personal implications for me as well. It’s about upping my game to support people as we crawl out of the astrological mess that was 2020. As the metaphorical skies clear, I wish to allow my soul to soar and to help others to do so as well. The word “soar” also has the sense of seeing things from the big picture and being able to plan where I want to go and where I need to be.

And so, I’m asking you… what is your word for 2021? If you had to boil down your intentions to just one word, what would best represent your dreams and goals?

I’m also excited to share with you that I have a new 4-part course coming in January of 2021 called “A Tarot New Year.” The purpose of the course is to teach people how to use tarot to get clarity on what 2021 is about for them. It’s also about using tarot to help manifest those dreams while fully releasing the past. To make the most of 2021, we need to be fully free of 2020. You can find out about the class by clicking Here! 

As we head into this shiny New Year, I wish you peace, joy, and perfect clarity about what you are going to create. Let us all celebrate the endless possibilities that are before us. 


Angel blessings,








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