As you might know, I just finished up a new video course called Tarot & Mediumship.  I taught it with the amazing medium, Heather Hildebrand. My mother passed away in May of 2013 (right after Mother’s Day) but she still gets her messages through to me. Often, they come through Heather.   

Heather called me a couple of weeks ago to tell me that mom visited her in a dream last night with a message for me.  As soon as Heather explained what my mom wanted me to know, I immediately said to Heather “Oh, my mom is writing my blog!” 

So, here’s what mom felt that I (and you) needed to know “Life is like a Christmas tree.  Not that one in Radleigh’s living room.  That’s just the ‘pretty tree.’ Oh, it’s wonderful and all, but there’s no story there. The decorations are all new and perfect. I’m talking about the other tree – the one in the dining room.  That’s the one with the history on it. There are ornaments that remind him of good times, but also ones that remind him of great loss. We all come into this life with a purpose. And there is purpose to the joy and the pain. But when you stand back, it’s all beautiful – just like a Christmas tree.” 

Please keep in mind that Heather has never been in my house at Christmas and has not seen our two trees to know that one is “pretty” and the other has “history.” She’s just that fabulous a medium.   

I had never thought about how a Christmas tree could reflect our lives in quite that way. Just a couple of months ago, my cousin Leah sent me some of the handmade ornaments her mother (also now deceased) had made and I had every intention of adding them to the “history tree.”   

What I have known for a long time is that the holidays are hallowed to me.  Not only is my birthday in December, but my mother’s birthday was Christmas Eve. It is a time of joyful reflection in my life that I truly cherish. I love my mother’s message to me, but I think possibly… just maybe… the message was more meant for you than for me. Of course, I will definitely be thinking about her message as the trees go up this year. Each ornament will go up with more consideration for what it might represent in my life – past and present.  

But somehow… I think my mom wanted my blogger pen. I think she just wanted to share a thought with those for whom Christmas seems like an extra struggle this year.   

She wanted you to know that if you stand back far enough, life is like a Christmas tree.   

It’s beautiful.  


Angel blessings,


P.S.  By the way mom… just for the record, both our trees are pretty.





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