I think that every month has a feeling. Without jumping around too much, I think October has the thrill of autumn, turning leaves, and the spooky fun of Halloween. November feels like a time for gratitude and counting our blessings. December – at least to me – is the most special month of all. It’s a blend of joy, excitement, introspection, and allowing your inner child to run wild. However, this year the messages the angels have been giving me has been to extend November’s sense of gratitude into the holiday season of December.  

There are so many special days that people celebrate in the month of December. Because of that, I tend to bundle them all up with the term “the season of Light.” It seems to me that due to the shortness of days and the darkness of the northern hemisphere, so many of our belief systems focus on light in December. Whether it’s lights on trees and homes or flames on candles, this time of year just seems to sparkle. But I prefer to capitalize the word Light when I refer to this season because I believe that the lights we are celebrating are just mini symbols for the Light that Source brings into our lives every day. But I digress a bit… 

In my meditations with the angels, I was told that I should feel gratitude for every gift I give. It’s easy to remember to be grateful for the things we receive, but the angels wanted to remind me that the ability to give gifts is a gift in and of itself. They asked that for every gift I wrap, that I think of something I am grateful for. Perhaps something that I’m grateful for about the person I am giving the present to. Or if not, just anything I’m grateful for in general. The idea being to infuse that gift with the magic power of gratitude. And to remind myself to give thanks to the Divine for all the many blessings I have been given.  

One of the things I am grateful for is you and those like you who have stood with me as we hold the space for healing and strength during this most challenging of years. And in my gratitude for you, I have made a present for you. 12 of them actually! 

Starting on my birthday (which is 12/12) my new 12-part video series called “The 12 Days of Tarot: How to Have Yourself a Radleigh Little Holiday” will become available to you. And it’s absolutely free! Every day for 12 days you will receive access to a video I created explaining some of the lessons that tarot can provide so that you can have a magical holiday season. The topics run anywhere from tapping into your inner child all the way to dealing with sorrow during the holidays. It’s typical me. 12 videos meant 12 costume changes.  

Here’s a hint:  my team says I make an adorable elf! Personally, I think I make a better Austrian boy, but you can decide for yourself. You can sign up to receive this gift Here! 

I hope that this free 12-part video series helps you to have a joyous, childlike, happy, and insightful holiday. I know making it was a joyous (and childlike) experience for me. 


Ho, ho, ho!





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