It isn’t always easy to write a blog. Sometimes inspiration will just come to me and I’ll jot down two or three ideas. Other times, I get nothing. This week was the nothing version until I had this idea to let my cards write my blog for me.  

They flat out refused. 

Now, let me explain that. You see, Lee and I are trying to make some very big decisions right now. We’re both completely obsessed with the topic and the amount of research we’ve been doing is beyond absurd.  

If you’ve ever taken any of my tarot classes then you have probably heard me say that the cards will answer “the question of your heart first.” This is why people might ask me a question about their career, but the cards have romance written all over them. The real question on the heart and mind of the client is about their love life. I teach my students it’s best not to fight it (because you won’t win.) Once you concede and do the relationship reading then the cards are more than happy to turn their attention to career. 


In my case, I asked the cards “what should I blog about for my April 26th issue.” They instead started talking about Lee’s and my big obsession. So I shuffled again trying to really focus. 

The same cards fell out. Which always gives me what I like to call “angel bumps” and makes the hair on my arms stand up.  

So what about you? Have you experienced this? Have your tarot or oracle cards zagged left when you asked them to zig right?  

And to be fair, they did in the end give me a blog topic. The topic is “listen to your heart when reading cards.”


Angel blessings,



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