Some of you know that I had a really big deadline the first of January. Technically it was the end of December, but I let myself have a couple of days extension just because there wasn’t anyone around to tell me I couldn’t.
Plus, end of December, first of January is basically potato, potahto.
As the deadline approached, I became more and more “nose to the grindstone” and was pretty much focused on the project and nothing else. The time of reflection that often comes at the end of December, first of January was lost on me. So here we are a solid two weeks into 2020 and I’m just now starting to think about it. Which is funny given that studies show that most people have already broken their New Year’s resolutions by now and I haven’t even made any!
Now that my manuscript and the accompanying documents have been turned in to Hay House, my meandering thoughts are pretty much all about what this new year means to me. What do I want to manifest? Who am I today, who do I want to be, and how much distance is there between those two concepts?
Of course, whenever we ask those questions, we usually have at least two different worlds we’re talking about. We have the personal and the professional.
The world of writing has surprisingly long lead times as does the world of event production. For example, the manuscript I just turned in is for a tarot deck that won’t be available until October 2021. We’re already booking events into July of 2021 as well. So the professional side of things for 2020 is pretty locked in. I’ll have a meeting with my business manager today so that we can review the year (yes, the entire year) and make sure we don’t drop any balls.
The personal side of things is not so locked up. For me, those “meandering thoughts” about my personal life are mostly things many people might consider very small. And yet, small things can often have a powerful cumulative effect. The fact that they feel small can also mean that they’re easy to drop at the first sign of stress. So my resolutions aren’t just concepts or changes in my life, they will have to be dipped in a thick coating of self-discipline. They have to become habits.
Why is it that the actions we don’t want in our life become habits so easily while the practices we do want in our lives seem to be so hard to make a habit?
It seems like we do this every year. Earth makes a circle around the sun and we vow to make a big difference in our lives. I’m determined to make 2020 better.
What about you? What do you do to create positive habits and release negative ones? How will you make your resolutions stick?
Happy New Year! (13 days late!)
Energetic Weather Report for March 7th – 13th
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