If you follow me, then you know that we moved cross country a few months ago. The one place in the house that is still a mess is the garage. It’s a wreck. Normally, this would be a chore of chores for me, but not right now. Right now, it’s my sanity saving project. I do my professional work in the mornings, have lunch, and then change into grunge clothes and head out there to try to bring order to chaos. It’s physical exercise because there’s a lot of heavy things to move (which I can do), but it’s also mental exercise to decide what stays and what goes, a spiritual exercise to pack it all up for charity, and a creative and emotional experience to release the things that no longer serve us and to do so in a way that is organized and functional for the future. Time flies by. It’s dinner time before I can even believe it!
It’s my personal way of distracting myself from global concerns and my personal worries and fears at this time. Which I think is all good.
However… there is also something “I know” I should also be doing, but I am shoving it to the back of my mind rather than dealing with it. What I should be doing is finding myself a workout routine in this new little town we’re living in.
I’ve long been a gym person. For many years I was a fanatic. That quieted over the last decade, but I still tried to keep my strength. However, back in November of 2019 I stopped going for lots of reasons I won’t bore you with. I was just about to head back to my workout routine when the “stay at home” orders throughout the US started to happen. And then we moved.
The biggest challenge I’m experiencing isn’t the vanity part – though I’m not going to tell you that’s not important to me. The biggest concern for me is my core strength. If you don’t know what that means, your core is at the center of your body. It encompasses your abs, hips, back, and chest. Your core stabilizes your body, allowing you to move in any direction as well as having proper balance. It helps prevents falls and supports your body. It also wards off lower back pain for me. And mine is weakening rather quickly. I “know” I should be actively handling that, but I’m not. Part of writing this blog and revealing this truth to you, is to force me to do something about it.
So now it’s your turn… What is it that you know you should be doing something about but that you are ignoring? Come on. I know you have at least one thing, but I bet there are more. For most of us, this is the moment. This is when you can make some significant changes for yourself that could have long lasting effects.
And what about your angels? Are you exercising your relationship with them? Well, are you?
The time has come to put the “now” back into your “knowing.” No more delays, no more procrastinating.
Get busy.
Angel Blessings!!
The Year of Change
Hello everyone and Happy New Year! 2021 is a 5 year (2 +0+2+1). The number five - whether you look at it from the philosophy of angel numbers or numerology - is a number that indicates change. I know. I know. I heard you groan all the way across the globe. You’re...
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Energetic Weather Report for December 27th – January 2nd
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Hi Radleigh!
You know what I love about you the most? You are so grateful for your success and tell us often just that. As a meditator, I realize how important gratitude is and it warms my heart every time I hear that from you!
My bedroom mess is equal to your garage chaos. I hate seeing it because it makes my brain chaotic. So thanks for the garage story. It’s inspired me to start doing something about it. My piano studio used to be that way, but thanks to my Virgo daughter, she organized it in a way I know where things are. Can you tell I’m a triple Aries! LOL
Love you and love your products! I have all your tarot decks because I realize how important it is to have all of them while choosing a reading for a client. Bless you and I love you bunches!
Carol DuBe
Wow Radleigh that it exactly how I am feeling about the gym and getting my self motivated to more exercise and get back on track with my weight and eating the right foods thank you For the inspiration ♥️
Thank you for your advises and warm message Radleigh. It is great having you to as my new friend♥️
Hi Radleigh,
I just moved also and went to a much smaller place, nicer but smaller. I have also been putting my exercise routine in the back of my mind. when it tries to jump to the front. My mind comes up with “I will clean/organize this closet first”, Oh, I have a load to take the to the thrift store or I have been busy all morning and I am hungry, I better take a break! Oh my, So I am committing to get busy with exercising again 5 days a week. I am going to do it before I start cleaning/unpacking/organizing…Thank you. Oh by the way I am connecting with my angels, they are definitely helping me with ideas and decisions. Thank you for helping me with that, too. I love your new course and can’t wait for the book to arrive.
Finally read your blog. OMG! Of course it was just what I needed to read. My online classes, tarot cards, crystals, all waiting for me to get started, or back to it. I live in the perfect place now and everything is ready to go. A class starts in an hour! Loved your blog. Thank you as always.
Thank you, Radleigh! I’m so glad I found you, you are so inspirational and positive!! I have been struggling with exercising. Believe it or not, I have a wall calendar and put sparkly star stickers on the days I exercise, LOL (no, I’m not a 2 year old). My other thing I’m working on is getting a new Etsy shop up and running. I’m on my third day of working hard and it’s finally starting to look like I’m making progress.
Just got your new book and I have your Angel Wisdom Tarot and am loving it! I also have your Guardian Angel Messages Tarot, which I just got and have not opened yet because I’m so in love with the Angel Wisdom deck. I’m new to Tarot, so thank you for making it positive and uplifting for sensitive people and empaths.