Yesterday on one of the social media platforms, someone had posted a meme that was meant as an affirmation. It said “My past is behind me. I am no longer affected by what has been. Only by what is now.”

I looked at that and thought to myself. “Really?” Is it really just that easy to walk away from the experiences we’ve had in the past? Don’t they make us who we are?

Am I not made up of all the Rads I’ve been in the past?

During 2022 (and the end parts of 2021) I’ve been very interested in the stories we tell ourselves and how we write or edit those stories in our heads. In my own personal work, I have found it extremely annoying and even frustrating just how much my childhood and adolescence still fiddles with my mental and emotional makeup. I know who I am and how that is (for better or worse) the driver of my reality. If I could turn off the faucet of how my past created my reality, would I do that? Would that be good? Or bad?

So, I reached out to someone smarter than me to see what she thought. This is what Heather Hildebrand had to say:

“I am grateful to have uncovered the light and love from even the darkest moments of my past. I celebrate who I am now and know that all the parts of my past have helped to create the strong, compassionate, wise and capable person I am today. Blessed be all of my yesterdays and all of my tomorrows.”

See what I mean? Smarter than me. 

I think what Heather is saying is that the power that the past has upon us is directly related to the power that we give it. And also, how we perceive the past and the experiences we’ve lived through compared to how we are living our best here and now. 

I’m curious what you think. Is the past something we can walk away from? Or must we integrate the past into the present to create the future? I know that sounds like I think there’s one right answer, but almost never think that. So what’s your take?

By the way, our very popular Summer Sale is about to come to a close. Courses and meditations that regularly cost hundreds of dollars are $11, $22, $33, $44 etc. In case you’re curious, the most popular by far has been the Angel Wisdom Tarot Workshop. If you’re a fan of my Angel Wisdom Tarot Cards, then you might want to check that out by visiting here!

In the meantime, I think my focus right now is on the second half of 2022 because I can NOT believe we’re more than halfway through this year!


With you on the journey,







Fresh Start for Self-Care

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