It has been a very long time since I recall being so “focused like a laser beam” on self-awareness. Perhaps it’s the global situation. Maybe it’s the astrological craziness of half the sky being in retrograde.   

It’s possible it’s my age (but let’s not go there.) 

I am finding myself paying extreme attention to signs, synchronicities, and (especially it seems) who is mirroring what to me. If you’re not familiar with that last term, it just means I am paying a lot of attention to who makes me feel good and who makes me feel challenged in my life right now. I then ask myself who is showing me parts of me I’m pleased with and parts of myself I need to work on.   

This in turn has me contemplating if it’s time to do another round of releasing of unhealthy relationships. That’s a tricky proposition and requires serious thought and can’t be done flippantly. I tie it back to the mirroring concept. For me, the key to that decision is what am I learning from the draining relationship and have I learned the lesson yet? If I haven’t, I’m pretty sure the Universe will just send me a new draining person to continue my spiritual education. Metaphorically speaking, that’s akin to having to repeat third grade.   


One of my cards of the day last week was the Queen of Air. I love that card because I think the message is so important today. In summary, this queen represents the following: 

~ Learn from your past and then let it go
~ Have a sense of humor about everything – even adversity
~ Share your wisdom with others, but only if they’re open to learning from it
~ Don’t waste your time on people who are stuck in (or even dedicated to) their unhappiness
~ Release things, situations, or people who bring you down 

The Queen of Air is fairly irreverent and I love that. But her irreverence is actually just a reflection of her hard-won knowledge of what really matters and what doesn’t. She has the ability to keep control of her own life while also making a big difference in the lives of others. For that reason, Louise Hay agreed to be the model for this queen in my deck, Archangel Power Tarot Cards. And also for that reason, I had the artist build her a throne of butterflies to show how she had helped countless people grow and evolve.   

Tarot can be a very enlightening tool for self-awareness. The minor arcana suits are quite intriguing to think of as a sort of personality typing system. Recently, Hay House came to me asking me to create something that would help people gain self-knowledge using tarot and so I have created a quiz called “Which Tarot Suit Are You?  Discover Your Spiritual Nature in the Cards.”  The quiz takes only a few minutes, is super fun, and people are telling me that it is “very enlightening” as well as “spot on!” If you’re looking for some insight into your own Divine self right now, I suggest you take the quiz!  And then let me know which suit you identified with! 

With you on the journey,


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