Have you ever bought something just for fun only to realize later it had a much deeper meaning? 

During the pandemic, I’ve been on a coffee cup rampage. Don’t ask me why because I literally have no idea. Maybe because of my “Coffee with Rad” live feeds I do every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but I honestly don’t think that’s it. I’ve been all over the place in what type of mug catches my attention. Boxes arrive and my partner Lee just looks at me to say “Is that seriously another coffee cup?” and then rolls his eyes at me.  

One of the cups I purchased just a few weeks ago features one of my favorite Disney/Pixar characters. Edna Mode is from the Incredibles movies and I’ve always just loved her. She over simplifies everything and therefore nearly nothing can rile her feathers. I bought the mug just because she was on it with one of her most famous quotes. The quote is:

“I never look back darling, it distracts me from the now.” 

As we enter (what feels like) week 3,421 of the pandemic, I find that I am my own worst critic. Are you experiencing that? At first, I found the extra time for self-reflection to be quite welcome and insightful. But as the time of isolation marches on, my experience is that I have to keep my fingers on my own pulse to make sure it doesn’t turn into “coulda shoulda woulda.”  If you don’t know that that term means, it’s basically just a reflection of when we as human beings spend too much time pondering if “I shoulda done this” or “I coulda done that.” 

Recently, Facebook decided to throw a t-shirt into my feed that says “Give me a minute to overanalyze that.” I almost bought it except I didn’t want to “law of attraction” more of that into my life since it’s already here.  

I love how my angels and the Universe will go to elaborate extremes to get my attention. I can just imagine my guardian angels saying “Get him a quote from Edna Mode!  He’ll listen to her!” Or “the poor boy lives on Facebook for his work. Let’s drop wisdom into his newsfeed.”  

It is true I notice everything. It is true that I believe our angels love us completely and without limitation. And it is true that I believe that they will send us messages in the most mundane of ways if that’s what it takes to keep us moving into the direction of joy. 

Because honestly, I do think that we as humans are a little brainwashed by society into “horriblizing” our own life stories. This forces our amazing angels to resort to coffee cups and t-shirts to provide us with Divine wisdom so that we’ll look at things more objectively. 

How loved are we? How adored must we be for Source to spend such lavish amounts of energy in the hope that we’ll get the message.  

I don’t know about you, but I do believe I have grown a lot during this time of global challenge. I find myself just glossing over things that pre-pandemic I might have been fussy about. I have a broader view of the big picture of things. However, I guess the angels still have a couple of messages for me.  They appear to be “What’s done is done” and “Stop overanalyzing things.” 

I’d sincerely love to hear what you think about all of this. Are your angels sending you messages in the most ridiculous of ways? Are you noticing? 

To the extent that I can assist with that, my RadScopes for September are available. Plus, the newly expanded Energetic Weather Report might also be a way your angels sneak in an “aha moment” for you. Both of them were done with my new Angel Wisdom Tarot Cards that come out October 6th. Have a look. I’m praying the angels use these tools for you the same way they’re using coffee cups and t-shirts for me.


Angel blessings,






Energetic Weather Report for October 7th – 13th!

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