Have you ever bought something just for fun only to realize later it had a much deeper meaning?
During the pandemic, I’ve been on a coffee cup rampage. Don’t ask me why because I literally have no idea. Maybe because of my “Coffee with Rad” live feeds I do every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but I honestly don’t think that’s it. I’ve been all over the place in what type of mug catches my attention. Boxes arrive and my partner Lee just looks at me to say “Is that seriously another coffee cup?” and then rolls his eyes at me.
One of the cups I purchased just a few weeks ago features one of my favorite Disney/Pixar characters. Edna Mode is from the Incredibles movies and I’ve always just loved her. She over simplifies everything and therefore nearly nothing can rile her feathers. I bought the mug just because she was on it with one of her most famous quotes. The quote is:
“I never look back darling, it distracts me from the now.”
As we enter (what feels like) week 3,421 of the pandemic, I find that I am my own worst critic. Are you experiencing that? At first, I found the extra time for self-reflection to be quite welcome and insightful. But as the time of isolation marches on, my experience is that I have to keep my fingers on my own pulse to make sure it doesn’t turn into “coulda shoulda woulda.” If you don’t know that that term means, it’s basically just a reflection of when we as human beings spend too much time pondering if “I shoulda done this” or “I coulda done that.”
Recently, Facebook decided to throw a t-shirt into my feed that says “Give me a minute to overanalyze that.” I almost bought it except I didn’t want to “law of attraction” more of that into my life since it’s already here.
I love how my angels and the Universe will go to elaborate extremes to get my attention. I can just imagine my guardian angels saying “Get him a quote from Edna Mode! He’ll listen to her!” Or “the poor boy lives on Facebook for his work. Let’s drop wisdom into his newsfeed.”
It is true I notice everything. It is true that I believe our angels love us completely and without limitation. And it is true that I believe that they will send us messages in the most mundane of ways if that’s what it takes to keep us moving into the direction of joy.
Because honestly, I do think that we as humans are a little brainwashed by society into “horriblizing” our own life stories. This forces our amazing angels to resort to coffee cups and t-shirts to provide us with Divine wisdom so that we’ll look at things more objectively.
How loved are we? How adored must we be for Source to spend such lavish amounts of energy in the hope that we’ll get the message.
I don’t know about you, but I do believe I have grown a lot during this time of global challenge. I find myself just glossing over things that pre-pandemic I might have been fussy about. I have a broader view of the big picture of things. However, I guess the angels still have a couple of messages for me. They appear to be “What’s done is done” and “Stop overanalyzing things.”
I’d sincerely love to hear what you think about all of this. Are your angels sending you messages in the most ridiculous of ways? Are you noticing?
To the extent that I can assist with that, my RadScopes for September are available. Plus, the newly expanded Energetic Weather Report might also be a way your angels sneak in an “aha moment” for you. Both of them were done with my new Angel Wisdom Tarot Cards that come out October 6th. Have a look. I’m praying the angels use these tools for you the same way they’re using coffee cups and t-shirts for me.
Angel blessings,
What to Do When Your Guardian Angels Leave
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Let’s Make a Deal!
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It Just Doesn’t Hurt Anymore
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Ever Wonder Y Something Happens?
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Reclaiming Home
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I was in a rush and wasn’t going to read past the keep reading bit! But I guess the Angels had my back – I clicked on the keep reading and got the quote “I never look back darling…..” just what I needed today.
Thank you 8
I was at work and saw this message about not looking back, definitely could be describing me. Often my messages come thru lyrics in songs or literal billboards. I have problems believing the message and say I need it to be on a billboard so I can’t miss it. Viola, there it is on a billboard, where U can’t negate it. Thanks for the inspiration . Blessings your way.
I love the thought of the angels sending you messages via Edna Mode! I’m quite sure my Guardian Angels spend so much time thinking up ways to grab my attention and I know for sure they’ve got great sense of humours – they must do to penetrate my monkey brain. Thank you for the reminder to notice messages wherever they pop up!
Thank you for your sharing. I have received your email while I am doing my daily energy reading. Today’s message says ‘open your heart’. I had been receiving this message sometime now. The message appeared in the song, movie and random Video on YouTube. I thought I had done everything as the card advised but not sure what else I have missed. I trust that angels will guide me to take further steps.
Yes, I absolutely agree with you. Angels have creative ways to deliver the message until we notice it.
My angels have absolutely sent me messages in the most ridiculous ways this summer. We adopted a large breed puppy in May that has been a complete terror. At my wits end, and honestly scared I continually prayed for guidance. One day, “Mr. Tambourine Man” by Bo Dylan popped into my head. I’m not a Dylan fan so I suspected it was meaningful. A Google search indicated it was about someone who was sleep deprived and up all night. About the same time, I got my swag box from Colette Baron-Reid’s Oraclepalooza which contained a sleep mask. Then I got an email invite to puppy training Q&A on Zoom. The trainer got to witness our puppy’s behavior first hand and said”You’re puppy is overtired!” I was sent a song, and a sleep mask in a box that literally had ORACLE printed across the top. You can’t make it up! Btw getting him on a sleep schedule has made all the difference.
One very distinctive sign I received was that I would find a blue feather (a rare thing) every time I went out for a walk. This happened consistently over the course of a week, and then it stopped. I took it as confirmation that I was protected and following the path that was right for me regarding my admittedly controversial decision to not wear a mask nor to put masks on my children–an issue I had been struggling with before the feathers began to appear. My reason for not wearing one is exactly the same reason you gave for not purchasing that t-shirt. I strongly believe in the law of attraction and I worry that the mask requirements are based on an idea that those who wear them have to assume that they already might be sick. I don’t feel comfortable placing that idea in the minds of my children–that they should presume themselves to be toxic or that they should fear that everyone around them is a health threat to them. As a mom, I have experienced firsthand the power that the mind can have over protecting one’s health. So many times I have “refused” to get sick as I cared for my sick kids who were sneezing and coughing (or worse) all over me. I know not all illness can be willed away so easily, but I absolutely do believe that my intention to remain healthy so that I could care for my family members was what kept my immunity strong during those times. I believe that now, more than ever, it is important for me (only speaking for myself and not for what is best for others) to live in a positive place regarding my state of health. Where focus goes, energy flows–as they say. If you choose not to post my comment, I understand. I am WELL aware of how controversial my opinion on the matter is, but I do feel that those blue feathers were a sign to me that I am doing what is right for me.
YES! Radleigh, you hit on it. The same is going on with me. Thanks for your readings. I knew my significant other was close by. Now!!! He is finally here. I am 74 and was beginning to think this wouldn’t happen but as soon as that thought came my Angels said: “Let that go and let it happen.” I am living in the moment more and more, and living my dream, thanks to the messages I get, from the hummingbirds, and objects left for me to see. Hallelujah!
Funny you should mention associating a Disney characters message to your self-reflection consciousness. I’ve had a fair amount of time for self-reflection, too these last [3,421] weeks to over analyze why I was suddenly let go from my job. I’m just now realizing the angels and the universe have been conspiring all along to drop wisdom on my FB feed such as your FB page and don Miguel Ruiz’ page. The most recent message was delivered while watching Disney’s movie Frozen for the very first time with my grandchildren. Listening to Idina Menzel sing “Let It Go” finally put it all into perspective for me. I know I am loved. I know I am adored. Most of all I know I am still worthy. And I am grateful to you and Source for these heartfelt 3-D reminders.
Well, I didn’t get a coffee cup, but a blog about coffee cups. I just finished explaining I was writing my story with some ugly included because it was pertinent, but I wasn’t going to write it from a victim standpoint. Then I read your email and it reinforced that idea. “I do think that we as humans are a little brainwashed by society into “horriblizing” our own life stories.” That’s staying stuck in the muck and that’s not where I want to be and why I am writing from a how did this serve me stand point.
Love & Light Radleigh is always guiding me. I realize this now. I thanks your for your service. I have taken your thoughts and words into my life. You need to know you make a difference to my life and many. The things that we are going through now shall pass. We will be stronger and realize what matters most. Love & Light is forever.
Hi Rad! I am having an obsession with coffee cups myself and it seems on Insta I’m getting messages on there via angel numbers, angel signs, & on other products or ads. I am guessing the angelic realm will reach you however they can, huh? I did see a coffee cup that was calling out to me (it wasn’t a message but it’s a Dios de Los Muertos female skull and it’s gorgeous. I love art and colors so maybe I might get it.)
The new deck looks stunning!!! I have seen some images on your Insta and here and i LOVE what you created. I definitely want this deck.
I’ve been feeling down lately but asking Archangel Michael and angels,etc. for help and the Blessed Mother. Hoping for a sign soon. I doubt a lot of my signs or messages I get so I’m trying to TRUST more.
You prob hear this all the time but you are rad, Radleigh! ^j^ Love this.
Ah yes..angels are always dropping hints with hidden messages. Today, I was in room 7 at the dr office then picked up food and my order number was 7. 7 in the angel number book means the angels say you are on the right path. Tonight I am having a hypnosis regression to get in touch with my soul contract. I’m an ATP and had met you Radleigh in 2007 when you volunteered for a week long seminar with Doreen Virtue. You had told me I reminded you of a friend you went to high school with. It’s been so joyful watching you prosper and grow into your souls contract!
I have been seriously thinking it is time to get back to my scrap booking our 5 childrens books till 18, when they left home. It has been 9 months. The eldest is 46. Something only a mother, with memories, can do
Today I watched randomly, at not my usual time for this, lesson 5 of CATR and very unexpectantly watched you glue and stick cards down. Loved it, made my day, the fun you had. Felt the Angels reminding me time is short, and keep going.
Thanks Radleigh, So many of us have been affected in so many ways. My angels were working overtime leaving me messages and dreams and signs to SLOW DOWN and follow my heart.
When the pandemic hit, I decided to try to stay positive and look for the good amongst all the headlines and sadness.
The pandemic meant our entire headquarters working from home, helping my young team members learn a whole new way of keeping a lot of paper moving on strict timeline as an essential business.
Being a workaholic – I had to let go of many things. My teams learned to stand on their own. Unnecessary Meetings, conflict, drama just evaporated in the face of a bigger issue. People came together in a united front.
I found joy in having my fur kids sitting on my desk, draped across the keyboard, photo bombing an online meeting! Taking lunch break and watching an old TV program. Time for me to exercise instead of commuting.
Time to reflect over what I really wanted to do with my life. Realizing working, commuting, paperwork didn’t need to be all consuming.
When my team was able to return to the office, I submitted my retirement.
I loved my career, but it was time to step aside.
I would call this time making lemonade out of lemons.
Now, I have more time – to check on friends, chat with relatives, get home projects done, love my fur kids. Even took your recent webinars!
The Angels keep leading me through positive forward steps and no longer have to “yell” at me. Time is precious.
I have really been struggling lately, not to politics or all the chaos going on, (shocker I know) it’s myself and understanding that this year is the year it was all meant to change and it has become so very overwhelming in the last week the first half of the year I was so calm and at peace For some weird reason and now it’s like the universe is saying ok now it’s time…GO I’m Trying to remain open and optimistic, but some days I just want to hide away from it all❤️
Well I had a long day at work today lock down over c19 restrictions again so I was happy to see a message from Rad in email
Scrolled thru it and got the qoute stop over analysising things whats done is done ..thank you Angels..ty again
My glasses were broken. Between not wanting to afford new ones, and the pandemic, not wanting to go into an optometrists office, I found some old ones several years old that worked. A bit scratched up, but worked. While out walking, I now keep seeing PINK LIGHT when the sunshine hits them just right. And it seems Archangel Jophiel, helping me to see the world with rose colored glasses!
There seems to be a theme on earth right now. And the theme is to be open to expect ridiculous things you can’t even imagine to occur. Life is seeming to get more ridiculous as well as magical every moment!
Hi Radleigh, I pre-ordered your Angel Wisdom Tarot Cards through Amazon a few months ago. I can’t wait to get them. Not sure why but I wanted learn more about archangels and guardian angels. So I signed up for Aura & Angels, I loved, loved those 5 sessions. You and Dougall really should do a comedy act together, you could make a future. You both did a fabulous job. I learn a lot. Thank You!!! I also purchased your book “become you own genie” so I could understand which archangel I would call on to ask for their assistants. At this moment I’m really trying to listen and trust my higher self, which still needs a lot of work.
Thank you for making everyone’s day a little brighter.