A friend of mine (who knows me very well) recently forwarded me a newsletter by the very wise and elegant, Sonia Choquette. The information in it was so important for me personally, that I wanted to share some of it with you.
Sonia recently had to have some surgery that she was very apprehensive about. Without going into details, I too am about to go through a series of procedures that has me scared out of my wits. Please do understand that I will be fine and that the procedures are not life-threatening in the slightest. However, they do have to do with my own most powerful, personal phobias. They are childhood based and so they do have their hooks in me pretty deep.
Because I am in so much fear about this, no matter where I go people just start volunteering their nightmare stories about their experiences with these procedures. Of course, that’s perfect law of attraction. I am in fear and so the Universe is bringing me more stories to be scared of. It’s a situation that I need to turn around and turn around immediately.
Sonia provided a long list of things she did to spiritually, emotionally, and physically prepare herself for her surgery. I’m not going to list it all here, but there was one suggestion she made that stood out the most for me. Sonia wrote:
“First, I mentally prepared for this surgery by meditating daily for three weeks up until the surgery, telling my body that it would be undergoing this intervention, but that it was going to go very well and not to be traumatized or afraid. Using my voice recorder on my iPhone, I created my own visualization recording. In it, I stated that I was surrounded by angels, protected by white light and divine love, that my doctor would do the most beautiful job with the least amount of interruption to my body, and that I would recover immediately with very little need for pain medication.
I did this because I once heard from a hypnotherapist that I highly respected that nothing influences your life more than the sound of your own voice, so I took this to heart in making this healing visualization recording.”
At a core level, this made absolutely sense to me. To include the human part of my presence on earth at this moment in the calming of my fears is brilliant. To turn the narrative around to one of confidence and assurance is the perfect response to my unresolved, childhood traumas that are feeding my anxiety.
Hey. It’s better than just breathing into a brown paper bag. Right?
I have placed this on my list of things for me to create today for myself. And as it’s on my mind, I couldn’t help that there might be other people out there who are in the same situation as Sonia was in and as I am now facing.
When fear runs away with us, all it does is make us want to hide. This in turn creates the energy of more fear. We have to refuse to run with the fear and instead face our worries by turning our faces and hearts towards the Light of the Divine. Our guardian angels are there to help. Archangel Michael (and in this case, Archangel Raphael) can be of immense assistance. Do not hesitate to call upon them.
As I said earlier, Sonia is very wise, but also comforting and elegant. You can follow her by visiting her website here.
Angel blessings,
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Thank you for the support from Sonia and how to calm our anxiety I also have a fear for dentists I cant even see a building or hear of a dentist i get panicking and I need dental work and surgery so bad maybe I can try meditating and mentally preparing myself. You helped me so much with this that Im over whelmed and excited to try this. Blessings and healings to you also Ill keep you in my prayers. Thank you again. Blessings Ps HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!
Thank you so much for this Radleigh. I absolutely love the way The Angels always seem to send you things just when you need them. I too will be going back in for further surgery at beginning of March & have been stressing so much. This email just arrived in perfect time.
I wish you so much luck with your surgery & sending lots of love n hugs to you for a speedy recovery.
Thank you again for this
Jacqui xxx