For February, we have a new theme and its self-love. We’ll cover self-love for the heart, self-love for the soul, and self-love for the body. But we’re going to start with self-love for the mind. Now, you’ve probably heard me say before that our thoughts very often drive our emotions. It can happen the other way around. If our thoughts are in a positive, joyful, and happy place for manifesting, then our emotions are going to match that. If our thoughts are kind of messed up and they’re just basically through the basement floor, then our manifesting is going to be unhappy emotions, things that make us feel unhappy, unwell, and not very joyful.

So, we have to keep them under control and I’ve got some tips for you to think about for the week of February 5th through the 11th for self-love of the mind.

One thing to do is disconnect from social media – even if it’s just for an hour. You don’t have to turn it off permanently, but just take an hour, put your phone away, or put it on “do not disturb.” And then, put it someplace where you can’t even see it. Allow yourself time to ponder and think about what your thoughts are and what emotions they’re bringing up. Be aware of your thoughts, disconnect from social media and the internet. Listen to a podcast, maybe a podcast called the Angel Tarot Show, just so long as it’s something that’s uplifting, and joyful.

Or read a book. I don’t know, maybe something like Manifesting Your Magical Life by Radleigh Valentine! To be honest, I am currently re-reading The Four Agreements and I am loving it, and I’m almost done. I think I’m just going to go back to the beginning and read it again because it’s just so good! These are good books for helping you to get control of your thoughts and figuring out how to be in a place of positive manifesting.

I have a lot more ideas for you. If you’re curious, check out my podcast “The Angel Tarot Show” on!

In the meantime, I am doing an Angel Tarot Mastermind in Palm Springs, CA! It will be limited to only 30 people and 12 of those spots are already taken! You can find out more Here!


Remember to give your mind some love this month!




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