Let me begin by not shocking you.

There was a time in my life where my most fervent dream was to work for Disney. If that statement does shock you, then you must be new to following me. My name is Radleigh Valentine and I’m a Disneyholic. Nice to meet you.

Somewhere around the mid 1990s, I discovered that there was a job title called “Imagineer.” I was an accountant at the time and to be honest, that was working out well for me. But I also dreamed of being inspired and doing something amazing. It turns out that Imagineering teams include accountants (someone has to figure out what that attraction is going to cost!) As soon as I knew that, my response was “Where do I sign up?!”

Even to this day when I visit Disney, I think how much I would’ve loved to have worked there. Just to have been a college kid loading passengers onto Peter Pan’s Flight seems like it would’ve been the most fun in the world.

On a day where I was feeling particularly stressed out, I happened to pull a card for myself. It was “Nine of Raphael” from Archangel Power Tarot Cards. I learned a saying about that card a long time ago that goes like this:

“Nine of Raphael, wish comes true. What you want now comes to you.”

To be honest, I wasn’t feeling very “wishes comes true” in that moment. But then something happened!

My old dreams of working for Disney popped into my mind. Well, actually what happened was my friend John Moore texted me. But that’s actually the same thing as he used to be Prince Philip, John Smith, Tigger, a monkey, blah blah for DisneyWorld. I thought this was interesting given that I had just pulled the “wish comes true” card.

In that moment, I was reminded that not all wishes are big, earth shattering dreams. Sometimes little wishes could come true.

An idea crossed my mind! The answer to this “dream come true” was…..Etsy!

And sure enough, I easily found a craftsperson that makes DisneyWorld cast member name tags. I waited patiently (fortunately not that long) and it came in the mail. Yes, I know. It’s fake. Counterfeit contraband if you will.

But it doesn’t matter. Now I can put that little name tag on and I’m “Radleigh from Knoxville, TN” (people usually put their birthplace on their name tags). Finally, I’m a Disney cast member!




Big dreams are super important. I very much encourage you to go after your biggest hopes and wishes for yourself. But sometimes, just a little wish can make a big difference in your life. And more often than not, we are more than empowered enough to make those little wishes come true!

So… what little wish might you make come true for yourself today? Because #smalldreamsmatter.


Bibbity bobbity boo! 


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