Hello everyone and Happy New Year! 2021 is a 5 year (2 +0+2+1). The number five – whether you look at it from the philosophy of angel numbers or numerology – is a number that indicates change.
I know. I know. I heard you groan all the way across the globe. You’re thinking “Haven’t we had enough change just from 2020?”
That sentiment is difficult to argue with. But let me give you a different way to think about this. Think about the changes coming in 2021 as not being so much global, but as being personal. And not something that happens to you, but something that you control. Something that you choose.
When Matthew McConaughey won an Oscar back in 2014, part of his acceptance speech was that he had had a long-standing vision of himself as his own hero. But not his current self, the person he would be in 10 years. As you might expect (or hope) when that 10 years came around, he wasn’t any sort of hero. His new hero was the person he would be 10 years from that moment.
What psychologists have learned, is that when we as a people look backwards, we tend to see ourselves as having changed a lot from who we were in the past. But when we look forward, most people tend to believe that the person they are now, is the same person that they will be in the future. As if personal growth has stopped. Of course, that isn’t true. Five or ten years from now you are very likely to look backwards to this moment and realize that you have (once again) changed a lot.
But researchers have discovered (in a very Law of Attraction sort of way) is that if you plan your own evolution, you can become the person you wish to be. Even if that person seems like an impossible reach in this current moment.
So here you are. Sitting in this “5 year” of 2021 with the powerful energy of change in your hands. What will you do with it?
Please do keep in mind that I do think it’s healthy to love who you are right now. But surely there’s something you’d like to be different? Some higher level you’d like to reach for? What better time than now?
The best thing we can do for ourselves is always to set our sights to the future we want to have. And because of that, I have created a new, 4-week course called “A Tarot New Year.” I am very excited about this class that is designed to use tarot, guardian angels, and the archangels to help you have a magical 2021. The coursed started in week 1 by releasing any PTSD or lingering, negative attachments you might have to the experiences of 2020. Next, we’re heading straight into getting clarity about what you want to create in 2021 and the ways that tarot and the angels can help you to make those dreams a reality.
You can find out all about the course by going Here!
The first lesson was last Thursday, but if you sign up now you can get the recording, do the homework, and easily be caught up for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th sessions.
If we’re going to live through another year of change, let’s make it personal. And let’s be in control.
Angel blessings,
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