I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the power of friendships. One of the things that I’m becoming more and more aware of is that the friends that have generally meant the most to me – and that have stayed the longest in my life – are what I have started calling “instant friends.” You probably know what that’s like. You meet someone and you are just instantly besties. That’s how it was when I first met Dougall Fraser. You know I love ya when I give you a nickname. I call Dougall “DoogDoog” (though never to his face.)
Dougall and I teach a lot together. Our spiritual philosophies blend well plus we just are just a barrel of monkeys when we’re together! This makes teaching as a combo not only fun for us, but (what I call) the Dougall and Radleigh show pretty hilarious for people who join us. Plus, people always say they learn a lot from our blended topics.
Here are the top three spiritual things that I have learned from Dougall:
Number one: color is a tool that can be harnessed for our use. Sort of like fuel for a car or fabric for making clothing. In fact, clothing is actually a great way to (as Dougall calls it) “activate” a color in your life. Wear pink to erase self-doubt and mental criticism of yourself. Throw on some gold to get some fabulous ideas coming into your life. But you don’t have to wear the colors, you can just “lean into” a color in your mind to bring its power to you.
Number two: the way colors are activated to help you in your life is very similar to working with archangels. He and I continue to be amazed at the similarities! Archangel Jophiel is the archangel of positive thought and she comes in the color of pink. Archangel Uriel comes in glittery gold and is the archangel of epiphanies. See the resemblance? Archangels are also a resource to you gifted by the Divine. You should definitely “lean” on them when you need help in your life.
Number three: guided meditations using color are freaking amazing! I love being a part of Dougall’s meditations as they are always blasts of color and so powerful. He in turn, loves it when I do my guided meditations with the archangels. And when we blend the two? Whoa!
So would you like to experience what that feels like? Well, we’ve got you covered. Tomorrow Dougall and I are teaching our free Masterclass called “The Colors of Your Soul.” We’ll be showing you a bit of how these two amazing concepts – color and the archangels – can help you in your life. The masterclass happens on Tuesday, February 9th at 2pm pacific, 5pm eastern. If you sign up and can’t make that time, you can always watch it afterwards. Here’s the link!
By the way… here’s a bonus thought on Dougall. It is possible to have a dear friend who is in the same career as you without there being the first drop of competition. It is possible to share all of your successes and there to be absolutely no envy. It is possible to tell someone everything you know about being a success only to be rewarded by them sharing everything they know with you.
It is possible to have a friend who telling things to is like putting them in the vault at Fort Knox.
That’s DoogDoog.
Angel and color blessings,
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