Over the years, I have come to perceive time as something that has a momentum to it. For example, it has been my experience that if I start to anticipate something… say… a vacation. And if I am putting a ton of energy into wanting it to be here, wanting it to be here, wanting it to be here NOW, then that creates a law of attraction-based speeding up of time. My experience has also been that that momentum is difficult to just stop in its tracks. So when the vacation comes along, time is already flying by and the vacation is over in an instant. Because of that, my husband and I have learned to not put that kind of energy into trying to will time to move faster to get to the vacation because then trying to get time to shift into slow motion during the vacation just doesn’t work.  

For most of the latter half of 2020, it has appeared to me that the majority of the world just wanted this year to be over. I hear it constantly from friends, family, and students. We as a global community have been willing time to go as fast as possible so that we could put 2020 out to pasture and embrace 2021. But from my perception, this has had the unintended and (in my opinion) undesirable result of pushing us headlong into the holidays with time running as fast its little hands on the clock can spin. And now the holidays are here and I’m finding myself trying to just slow down. I don’t want to race through this week. Rather, I want to breathe it in. I want to feel it. I want to know the magic that is this time of year and feel it in my heart.  

I just want to “be” during this most amazing of seasons.  

The Energetic Weather Report for this week spoke of the need to stop and just experience the wonderment. I want that for myself and I want it for you. I think we need to slow down and be aware of the Love and Light that radiates during this time.  

And for just this week, we need to stop thinking or verbalizing all the challenges that 2020 might have brought and instead shift our focus and attention to the magic.  

Who cares what year it is? It is the season of Light. It is Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, and Yule, and Winter Solstice, Christmas, and other things to other people around the world. It’s a most wonderful time to connect with the Divine and know our place in the Universe. 

Let’s all just breathe. Let’s bring our attention to the here and the now. Isn’t this what we wait for all year? 

Let’s just slow down and live it. 


With love,








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