There are times in our lives when we are called to faith.  I mean really called to faith.  The Divine has plans for you or those you love that require serious change or personal transformation and just the thought of it has you breathing into a brown paper bag.  

During those times I firmly believe that the Divine will talk to you.  It will coach you through. It will send you signs that all is well, or conversely, that you need to rethink your plans.  It’s all a matter of paying attention. If you aren’t seeing those signs, then ask Archangel Chamuel (the eyes of God) to open your eyes to them so that they do not miss your gaze. 

Many of you have heard me speak before about angel numbers and in particular, 444.  The number 4 (and combinations of 4s) simply state that “your angels are with you.”  I believe any language of the Divine – be it angel numbers or something else – will take on personal aspects over time. For me, 444 has morphed to something more than just “my angels are with me” because I already got that memo.  For me, 444 has changed to mean “Whatever you’re worrying about – whatever has you fretting in this very moment – we already have it covered.  Stop worrying.  We’ve got this.”

Analytical people tend to love angel numbers as its a way to get messages from the angels on a very cerebral level.  For example, my husband loves them.  In particular, he loves 444.  And as of late, he’s been buried in them.  444 is everywhere he looks. I think for Lee, 444 means “you’re headed in the right direction, keep going.”  It’s a confirmation for him that all is well and going as it should be.  

However, I also think that sometimes the Divine changes languages on us. If we have trained our eye to scan for 444 then that’s great!  It’s wonderful that you’ve attuned your senses to not miss that message.  Conversely, if you see 444 a lot then its message might become diluted to you. Maybe 444 just makes you smile for a moment and then you just trudge on without embracing the magic that is a message from your angels.  And so your angels might change things up on you.  

For example, am I still seeing 444s?  Yes. I am.  My little girl Riley woke me this very morning at exactly 4:44am.  “Good girl, Riley!”

 But what is catching my attention far more is that the Universe has decided to bless me with a plethora of white butterflies.  Seriously, they are EVERYWHERE. Just yesterday while talking to a friend about this phenomenon, she laughed and told me that one was flying behind my head in that very moment!

I’ve known that white butterflies could signify angels in our lives for a long time, but I never really did the research to go deeper on the message.  Among other things, white butterflies represent deep spiritual growth and changes in your life. They show up when transformative experiences are about to make themselves known. They tell us to float and fly to our next destination of personal evolution.  

Well, that’s a message that is spot on for me right now. And it’s a far more meaningful sign for me than 444 could be. My angels knew that so they sent me something new to embrace.  Now I’m just a little bit obsessed with white butterflies.  #etsyisdangerous.  

What signs have the angels been sending your way?  Anything new?


Angel blessings,





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