I think most people have heard the old staying “I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop.” Someone usually says it if things have been going really well and so they figure their luck can’t last. They’re just waiting for something bad to happen.  

This came up recently when a good friend of mine (I’ll call him Tony) had had a streak of amazing good things happen in his life. When I pointed this out to him, he said “I know. I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop.” 

My response to this was immediate. I didn’t even think, I just blurted out “So what? What makes you think the other shoe will be bad? If the other shoe drops, won’t you just have a pair of perfect shoes instead of metaphorically hopping around on one foot?” 

Well guess what? The very next day the other shoe dropped. Tony texted me to tell me that…  

…he had just received an amazing job offer beyond what he had ever expected. And by the way, this job offer just fell out of the sky into his lap.  

You know. Like the other shoe? 

The “other shoe” for Tony literally made everything fall into place. As I said, he’d already been blessed beyond words with having his dreams come true. This was just sort of the last piece.  

It’s not unusual for people to look at a series of positive things happening in their lives as temporary. What’s curious is people often look at a run of challenging things happening in their lives as having “no end in sight.”  

Isn’t that weird? Our good luck can’t last, but our bad luck is eternal?  

Law of Attraction indicates that what we expect is what we get. I think that’s often true. And yet, I also think that sometimes what we get is amazing even if we were fretting. I almost always give the credit to those unexpected good things to my guardian angels and the women in Heaven who are looking out for me. When something good happens that I had my thoughts set correctly for, I pat myself on the back but still give gratitude to the Divine. When something positive happens I wasn’t expecting then my gratitude is ramped up by a factor of 10.  

Are you waiting for the other shoe to drop? If so, try to think of yourself as Cinderella (my favorite fairytale.) Imagine that the other shoe is a magical glass shoe given to you by your fairy godmother.  

Fairy godmothers only give out matched sets of happiness.  

Magical blessings,









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