We are pretty much right in the middle of the first Mercury retrograde of 2020. The squeaks and squeals from people who post on my social media pages tell me that most of you out there are very aware of that fact.  

As I started to write this message to you, a close friend of mine started texting me. We call ourselves “kindred spirits” because we are so very often on the same page. Both of us are experiencing deeply, introspective moments during this retrograde. Which isn’t a surprise. Mercury rules our minds. Mercury is moving backwards.  

Therefore, in many ways our minds are working backwards.  

Any retrograde is a reversal of energy. A planet moves forwards, then goes retrograde giving it the appearance in the sky of moving backwards. It moves back over the place in our astrological chart where it had previously just come from. When it stops and begins to move forward again (technically, that’s called “going direct”) it then hits that same spot in our charts for a third time. Different planets affect us in different ways. Venus is about our feelings. Mars, our passions and actions. When they go retrograde and then direct again, we experience emotions (Venus) or interference with what we’re trying to accomplish (Mars.) 

When our minds start to work backwards, some of the experiences you might have include a sense of feeling trapped. A strong desire to break free. You might encounter mild depression or a feeling of longing. All of these are limiting thoughts. Sometimes that includes regret over things that have happened in the past.  

I find that if I am experiencing these types of things that it helps to write them down. What thoughts are stuck in my head and what kinds of emotions are they driving? 

Then I try to evaluate each one and write down what their real purpose or cause might be. If I’m feeling trapped in a situation, then why am I feeling trapped? What does that situation represent for me? What is the truth that the Divine is trying to get me to see vs. the lie that my ego might be trying to trick me into to beLIEving.  

See what I did there? 

We do have to be careful with our beliefs. The word “lie” is right in the middle of that word. Our beliefs should be evaluated regularly to make sure that they are supporting us and not limiting us.  

This is especially true during Mercury retrograde.  

Your thoughts are working backwards but they are doing it to give you the opportunity to evaluate them. To get clear on your personal truth so that when Mercury goes direct again, you’re ready to make a fresh new go of things. Do what you can to make the most of that opportunity. 

See you on the other side of the retrograde!


Angel blessings,



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