For many in the US (and around the world) this week is one filled with anxiety and worry. Astrologically, the energy is wonky and many people’s fears are at a heightened level because of world events that feel super-charged by retrograde planets and unhappy aspects in the sky.  

I started writing my monthly RadScopes so long ago that I no longer remember when I started! I think it was around 2002, but I couldn’t tell you for sure. In case you’re unaware, RadScopes are a simple blend of astrology and tarot that lets you know what the overall message for the month is for your sign. They’re up for November and you can find them at this Link! 

People’s concerns were evident in the RadScopes, but so were their hopes. It’s no secret that different signs handle high energy in different ways. What I would like to recommend to you is that you try to breathe away the fear and instead focus on hope. If you are a spiritual person (and I presume if you’re reading this that you are) then try to remember that the Divine adores us. No matter what happens this week – and no matter whether it delights you, disturbs you, or just makes you go “meh” – trust that in some form or fashion we will all be okay. Divine Love will always rule the day. The long term good of the people of planet Earth is in the hands of Source and the angels. Everything will be alright.


By the way, my friend and colleague Heather Hildebrand and I taught Week 1 of our new Tarot & Mediumship course this past Thursday and we had a fabulous time!  Such a fun topic and the students are bright lights! If you think you might be interested, there’s still time to join us! Sign up and get the link to the Week 1 video and then you’ll be all caught up! Hope to see you there!


Angel blessings,








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