When I think of November, what immediately comes to mind is the American Thanksgiving. I call it that because I know it is celebrated at different times in different countries. Halloween is one of my two favorite holidays
but this year it just didn’t happen. Due to the pandemic, it was a non-holiday where I live. Because of that, I just wanted October 31st to come and go sothat I could emotionally move on.
On the morning of November 1st, my heart was flooded with gratitude. I woke up that way. I woke up thinking how much I had grown this year and how much my family and I had to be grateful for. In that moment, I also knew that I wanted November not just to be the placeholder for Thanksgiving, but to also be a full month of gratitude.
As soon as my hubby was up and awake, I brought him his coffee and sat down with him to propose just that. I explained to him that I wanted to consciously portray a full month of living in a space of gratefulness for what the Divine and the angels had brought into our lives. He was immediately on board.
I also immediately knew that I was going to be inviting you to join me.
It’s been a trying year for sure. But I believe that no matter how challenging our lives are at any given moment, there is always something to be grateful for. All it takes is focus. Personally, I am grateful for my family, my home, getting to do what I love, and of course my dogs. I am also grateful for a year of learning beyond any that I have experienced in a decade. Boy, have I learned things!
What are you grateful for? Tell me about it. I want to know.
With gratitude,
Energetic Weather Report for December 12th – 18th
Lots to think about this week as Guardian Angel Messages Tarot says we’re full of optimism and excitement the first half of the week, but get a little off track the second half. Well, now you have a head’s up so you don’t have to go there! Get your clues and news...
Radleigh’s Being Self-Indulgent
I’ve been dragging my feet on writing this particular message to you because the timing is important and I wanted to have just the right message. But I’ve decided that I’m just going to toss that notion out the door and just be totally self-indulgent in sharing with...
My Big Psychic Holidays
I keep very detailed journals. But only for what I consider big moments in life. I don’t journal every day or even every month. But when it comes to vacations, holidays, my birthday, and New Years, then I’m pretty intense. I write down pages and pages of my...
Energetic Weather Report for December 5th – 11th
Ho ho ho! I’ve got your energetic weather report for the first full week of December from Guardian Angel Messages Tarot Cards. The first half of the week is strong, but there are some challenges the second half. Let me give you a head’s up so that it’ll be easier!...
Drinking with Both Hands in December
Yeah, I know that subject line is a shocker. But it’s not what you think. Read on… In May of 2019, I had the opportunity to speak at The Omega Institute. If you’ve not heard of Omega, it’s a charming spiritual retreat center in Rhinebeck, New York. As an aside, it was...
I am grateful for every day I wake up, I know God is with me and I God Him High.
Grateful for life itself – so many people in my world have been really ill with Covid .
Grateful to you for your messages of comfort .Loving every moment of your Courses. Tarot has always been a mystery – but with your help I am no longer frightened .
Grateful for the support of my children . We have been in “ lockdown “ here in Wales and I was unable to see my kids for many months . Keep safe Dearest Star . Love and light . Babs x
It was with excitement that I read that you have been sharing. Thank you
I am grateful for the love and light and miracles and magic that abound magnificently and all you do.
Thank you!
So love this!! Thank you for the inspiration of counting our blessings. It has been an incredible year for my family. We had too many unforeseen, uncontrollable changes for the past 18 months. Changes which turned all our lives upside down and now we are finding our new footing. I am grateful to have found my spiritual pack/support 18 years ago, and have been unknowingly preparing for all of the recent changes. I am thankful for the unending guidance (and patience, lol) from my angels and those who have passed over. Feeling extremely loved and blessed.
I am grateful for each breath I take, since I know someone is laboring to breathe. I am grateful for my ability to see the wonderful world we live in because I know people who don’t have that ability. Each day is a present that is yet to be discovered but must be treasured. I am grateful to know people like you and all of your students Radleigh for all of you have brought a light into my life that I didn’t know before.
Blessings to all in this month of thanks and beyond.
Every morning I give gratitude on waking up ….. Attidude to gratitude is very important … also I submit prayers to get me through the day❤️❤️It has been a tough year health wise and at present SHINGLES has joined me and it is a painful process I am indeed blessed with family and friends ❤️❤️Spiritual groups and sooo much healing sent … I do have some of your cards as done a course with you many moons ago with Doreen Virtue …feel blessed for all inspiration
I am grateful that now being retired, I have unlimited time, resources and opportunities to continue my spiritual growth. I am honestly amazed how much deeper and clearer my connection to my Angels and Guides has grown.
I am grateful to be working with you and Heather in the Tarot and Mediumship class.
I am grateful for my life every minute, I nearly died twenty years ago and then four years ago….my heart has been through some stuff! I’m 72 now and I love every day I here….even when I’m complaining! I am so grateful for my wonderful husband….what that saint of a man has been through in the 34 years we have been together. I am grateful for my faith, my angels, my spiritual strength that has, quite frankly kept me alive after losing parents, friends, pets, health, work and livelihood over the years. I am so grateful for a smile from a stranger….I call them angels in passing, for books, music, flowers, the sea, the earth. I am so thankful and grateful for Robert Reeves, Tchich Nhat Hahn and other writers and teachers and over the last years for a crazy, clever, beautiful guy called Radleigh Valentine who has, with his cards, books, love, knowledge and humour helped me through some dark moments and anxious times. I am grateful I got through mental health problems…because of my health, bereavements etc. And again my husband was my also my rock ( no accident he is called Peter!). Oh, Radleigh…what am I not grateful for…food, a roof over my head, water, walks in the park, my doggies ( even though it’s five years since we had one). I had over 65 years of love from them. So…grateful to draw my next breath, to be a light ringer and a believer in these difficult times and….to know you and follow your work and your sheer love and enthusiasm for what you do….oh yes and Heather Hildebrand at the moment because I’m doing your Tarot/ mediumship….and it’s a blast. Bless you and your husband and your dogs, bless your work and all you bring. And in case I forget I’m also grateful for chocolate!
Hello Radleigh I’m grateful for your discovery. Your Angel Oracle cards were recommended so I bought them and then started to do some research on you. So here I am. I’ve bought Angel Wisdom cards, joined your launch party and I’m currently in your Tarot Medium class. I’m so not know how to read the authentic tarot cards or the new ones yet but I’m looking forward to all of it!
PS is there an email address to send you questions on readings?
I’m thankful for the Sunshine, the Light of the Moon and the Stars….the plants and their flowers, the singing birds, Mother Nature as a whole…GAÏA our planet…yes I’m very thankful for the physical realm that allows us to experience our senses, that allows us to touch our luv’d ones, and to manifest wonders in turn.
And I’m thankful for ice cream!
I am grateful for the ability to wake everyday and realize (sometimes not soon enough), that I can choose to make this day a good one. That I have the ability to learn, to think, even to adjust my thinking. I am grateful I can breath.
I am grateful for every breath I take. I’m so appreciative for my eyesight which I nearly lost last year. I’m also grateful to still be in employment.
Love, Love, LOVE the month of gratitude idea! Since this pandemic began, I’ve been so very grateful for our 1 acre yard so I can safely go outside every day, play in the dirt, and grow veggies and flowers….even during the lockdown. And I’ve been tackling garden projects that I’ve been putting off for years. Yay! At night, if I’ve had a tough day, I say my prayers and list at least 5 things from that day for which I’m grateful. Mostly, I’m grateful for my family’s good health and safety, and for our fortitude in carrying on as best we can under the circumstances. My older son will be graduating college a semester early…he’s just tired of remote learning and has all the credits he needs to graduate. My younger son has been fortunate enough to be on campus for his Freshman year, and is happy, safe, and healthy…well, aside from the broken kneecap he sustained when he fell out of his loft bed (6′ off the ground). But the break was on the edge of his kneecap, so he’s healing very well. I’m ever so grateful for Zoom (who woulda’ thunk it?) and for your tarot classes, Radleigh. Through the cards, I, too, am finding a way towards deeper forgiveness and healing with my alcoholic Dad. That’s just priceless. Yes, a month of gratitude, it is!
I am extremely grateful for all that has been given to me, for what I am able to give to another even if it’s just a heart felt compliment or throwing love energy towards a stranger. I’m so grateful my parents are still with us. Grateful for my husband of 20 years and my twin boys, they are my heart.
I am grateful for having the time and money to be able to take all the courses i took this year. I have learned so much and i feel that the creator is here with me. Helping me with the challenges I have as a human during my time in this planet. I also feel grateful for those, I was able to help this year. I also was able to speak to my nephews for the first time for over 8 years God is great. I just want to continue to work the spiritual path I am here for.
Hello Radleigh, Here in New Zealand we do not have anything like Thanksgiving, apart form celebrating on 6 February what we call Waitangi Day, which is in regards to the “birth and Freedom” of New Zealand, well that is how I feel it is.
As a fairly newly recovering AA member, I have so much to be grateful for, and even before I get out of bet, I give thanks for a new day of life and sobriety, and then during my morning prayer and meditation session, I start with thanks for the sunrise, whether it is beautifully coloured in reds, golds etc, or blue and even the brooding stormy clouds, grey and sometimes that real heavy dark grey just bordering on black, for me they are a new “canvas” on which my God of my understanding paints glorious pictures, which in turn inspires me in my creativity, whether it is painting, writing, or now photography. The next thing I give thanks for is the ability to hear the birds when they wake up, often I am awake before them and will sit outside just to get those first beautiful hesitant at times of the birds songs.
Approximately 3 weeks ago, just after I had finished my prayers and meditation session, there was a sense of a massive “shift” within and around me, and for that I am very grateful for. I now realise what I do have to be grateful for, that each and every day I celebrate, not just a specific month, for me it is most definitely a 365 event of gratitude, and now, looking through the lens of a camera, I get to see things from a totally different look of gratitude.
We have just had a massive thunder and lightening storm pass through and like when I first got up this morning, the air is so fresh and clean, all those things no longer serving me have been washed clean.
God bless, you are in my prayers, with much love and aroha.
Spiritual growth this year has been amazing. I have shifted up my natural “resting state” of happiness, and I am loving every minute of my life. I go around with a smile on my face most of the time – a huge change from a couple of years ago when my natural state was feeling numb. I know that 2020 has been a horrible year to a lot of people, but I LOVE this year, I love my life, and I am so grateful for everything that I have learnt and experienced.
Hi Radleigh. I’m grateful for connecting with you and Heather. I believe our Divine guides guide us on our journey. First I was drawn to your new Tarot cards Angel Wisdom. I was drawn to them. I’m enjoying your class Tarot and Mediumship. I’m also grateful for my Husband of 17yrs along with all the family that came with him. Between Ron and myself we are blessed with 13 grandkids. I’m also grateful for our first great grand baby coming in May. I’m grateful for all my family and friends. I love life. I’m grateful for everything in my life.
I am grateful for every day … every hour … every minute. I am grateful for the space and place. I am grateful for my family, my life, my home, my friends, my teachers …. I am grateful for this life and the next … I am grateful to be learning in schoolroom earth! Thank you, Radleigh I’m grateful for you!
I am grateful for my happy new home and for hearing the messages of the angels so much clearer. Grateful for al the wise lessons I learned and thought. Most of all grateful for the wonderful people in my life ánd having you as out teacher
I am beyond grateful for my precious family, friends and support system…of divine, guides and angels!
I am grateful for being guided to explore, learn and grow a whole lot this year with many moments of pure excitement and joy!
Taking the OAC and CATR courses this year had me jumping in my seat with joy many times! And I am so grateful & proud to now be a Certified Angel Tarot and Oracle Card Reader so that I can be of support and service to others in a much bigger way.
Thank-you Angels! Thank-you Radleigh! Thank-you Community!
In gratitude and love June
I am so for my Spiritual Awakening in January for my mom both my daughters both my grandbabies and 4 My Spirit guides and my galactic star beings in helping me wake up and showing me what I’m truly worth and what gifts I truly have and how to use them I’m just so very grateful for everyone and everything and I’m grateful for you I may not have the money to pay for your class but I’m grateful that you sent me this message so I could tell you what all I have gratitude for and thank you so much oh and I love the new deck I have it and I use it with my past life readings
I am grateful for being here and healthy! for being surrounded by my grandchildren and positive people like you! your voice brings joy to my ears, your words of encouragement are needed in our world today more then ever. Thank you for being a gift in my life.
I am a 54 year old, two-time cancer survivor and I am thankful to be able to say that. I have an abundance of blessings that I am every so thankful for: children, grandchildren, friends and family, gainful employment, and a place to call home. I am thankful that during this year of a pandemic, I have gained a grandchild, I have kept my job, I have gained a relationship with a partner and while the world at large has had to be more alone than usual, I have not one time felt alone this year! That, in my opinion, is quite amazing! I am thankful.
I am grateful to be able to do my work every day for God and Heaven. And I am grateful for all the others out there doing the same, like you, Radleigh! Thank you so much!