Sometimes it’s hard to know why something happens – or is happening – in our lives.
- Why do we feel off?
- Why didn’t things turn out the way we had envisioned?
- Or even why are people we love having such difficulties?
I’ve been there. I once had a situation occur in my life that lasted 7 months that I was clueless about. It literally took 7 years for me to get the “aha moment” that brought the clarity of “Oh, that’s why I went through that.”
But here’s a thought that might help you if you’re currently in a situation like that. The reason why something happens is always Y.
Y for yes. Yes, the Divine is always, always, always concocting ways to push you towards happiness. And Y for yes because we should always say yes to whatever events are redirecting our path in a way that will bring us joy.
Y for yes that we should always have faith that the Universe loves us. Y for yes that we can rely on the fact that we are at some level masters of our own destinies from a big picture viewpoint even if the Universe sometimes creates situations where the details make us crazy. Y for yes, your angels are with you (have you asked for their help today?)
When the why of something is challenging you, try to move back to Y.
Because yes, the you are loved. Yes, you will understand it all in time. And yes, you are never alone.
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