I talk a lot about how (what I call) “The Season of Light” brings me so much joy.  I use that phrase in order to be inclusive for as many belief systems as I can since they all seem to use light (presence or absence) as part of their practice.  It’s easy for me to be giddy and to get my inner 5-year-old going during this time of year.   However, I know it’s not easy for everyone.   And even I have challenges.  My mom – who is now in spirit – was born on December 24th, what I consider to be the most hallowed day of the year.   So, my Christmas Eve now includes a trip to her memorial every year.

If the holidays are challenging for you, then consider asking for the assistance of Archangel Jophiel – “the beauty of God.”  Jophiel is one of my favorite archangels.  She comes in the color of pink and with the scent of roses (pink roses were my mother’s favorite flowers.)  Jophiel has the ability to uplift our thoughts.  To help us turn negativity into positive feelings and thoughts.

I post a card of the day on my social media. Today’s is “The Star” from Angel Tarot Cards featuring Archangel Jophiel. I love this card and it’s message so much, I had it placed on the cover of the box for the deck.


In tarot, this card follows many others that are quite challenging.  However, by the time we get to The Star, we have learned that faith is paramount.  Archangel Jophiel is shown pouring water from two urns without any concern that the water will run out.  She has faith and trust that there will always be enough. That the well of love from the Divine is unending.  Above her head is a star that we can make a wish upon.

If there ever was a time of year that was made for making wishes, this is it.

So go ahead – make a wish.   And ask Archangel Jophiel to help make it come true.


Holiday love,




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