We are very bee-friendly here at House Rad & Lee. We have planted things that they love and the sound of them swarming our bushes in our yard is common. I look at them with great fondness sending them gratitude and love in my thoughts. I never worry that I’ll get stung. I just work around them with respect and I believe they know we have “a relationship” of sorts.
I had a topic in mind for today’s message but I was struggling with how to talk about it in a way that came out just right. As I sat in our garden thinking about it, a honey bee came and buzzed around me, landed on my arm, and then flew off. Because I consider everything to mean something, I naturally went to what I consider to be the authoritative word on animal symbols, Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. Here’s what Ted had to say about Bees…
Fertility and the Honey of Life,
Accomplishing the Impossible
Bees are the symbol of fertility and sexuality.
Its honeycomb, a hexagon, is the symbol of the heart and
represents the sweetness of life found within our own heart.
It is also the symbol of the sun and all its energies.
The bee reminds us to extract the honey of life
and to make our lives fertile (productive) while the sun shines.
No matter how great the dream is, there is the promise of fulfillment
if we pursue our dreams.
If a Bee has shown up in your life, examine your own productivity.
Are you doing all you can to make your life more fertile?
Are you busy enough?
Are you making time to savor the honey of life and not becoming a workaholic?
The Bee is the symbol of accomplishing the impossible.
Aerodynamically, its body is too large for its wings and should not be able to fly.
Although now we understand how it does fly (high rate of wing movement),
the Bee remains a symbol of accomplishing anything you put your mind to.”
Naturally, the message the Bee brought to me is related to what I was going to talk about. But the deeper meaning of the message for me was the part about “Are you making time to savor the honey of life and not becoming a workaholic.” Something that was also on my mind this morning.
Life is meant to be loved. Yes, there are times where we have things happening we don’t like or where we feel overwhelmed. But we do have to find time to “savor the honey of life.” The truth is, I’m very bad at that.
While working this morning on social media, my super cool brother-in-law had posted a meme that gave me “angel bumps”. It said,
“Your next chapter is going to be amazing!”
Alright. That feels good. Cool. But how does that happen if I’m not buzzing around in constant action getting things done?
Balance is a tricky thing. Maybe that’s something you can relate to? Do you struggle finding time to just “Bee”?
Angel blessings,
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