For those who celebrate it, this is the week of Halloween. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays by far. I understand that a lot of people enjoy it for the creepy, scary aspect of it. I am aware that some people really enjoy being afraid.

I’ve never understood that.

For me, Halloween is a major opportunity to reconnect with our inner child. At least that’s how I see it. I decorate my house in a whimsical way. I have a lot of happy jack-o-lanterns – many of them spray painted with glitter (of course they are.) I want children (trick-or-treaters) to run to my house and not approach it with fear and wariness. I usually dress up as Steampunk Peter Pan or a Genie or one of my usual “alter-egos.” The closer that we get to the time that the children will start to arrive the more excited I get. The only thing that scares me about Halloween is the underlying fear that I will run out of candy!

I think that the way we look at Halloween is jam-packed with analogies and teachings for us.

If Halloween delights you because you enjoy being scared, then that’s a pretty strong message. Deep down I would wonder if you are a very brave soul who came to earth with a really big mission. Before you came here, perhaps you saw your impending visit to earth to be an amazing opportunity. Yes, it would be challenging (scary) but there was so much you could accomplish. So much you could do! Perhaps you embrace the “scary” parts of your life as a way to make a difference. Again, this is just a theory.

If you love Halloween not because you want to be scared, but just because it reminds you of being a child then perhaps, you’re a little like me. You’re a child at heart. You simply can’t help it. Halloween is a chance to remember the child within and dress up in fun costumes, give candy and receive the delight of seeing how the kids are dressed up. Perhaps you are connected to the remembrance that you are a child of the Divine and life on earth – while certainly challenging – is also meant to be a poignant but also joyful adventure. Does that resonate?

If the whole affair terrifies you, then is it possible that this is also a metaphor for how you see life? I’m not saying that it definitely is. I’m just throwing it out there. Does life scare you? Or are you afraid of what comes after this life is over?

I don’t see Halloween as the only event during the year from which we can gain insight into our own views of life. I think just about any holiday has the ability to resonate with our sub-conscious and give us messages from the Divine.

By the way, this week on my radio show, Magical Things with Radleigh Valentine (on Hay House Radio) I am doing a special Halloween show since the episode literally airs on the holiday itself! I hope you’ll join me. It airs on October 31st at 2pm Pacific, Noon Eastern.

In the meantime, try to pay attention how you feel during this time. What does it tell you about you?


Happy Halloween!



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