Well, Happy Birthday to me. It’s a rare thing that blog day falls on my birthday, so I guess I should make a big whoop-dee-do over it.  

The problem is, I’m not particularly a big birthday person. With Lee’s job, it makes it very difficult to celebrate. He hasn’t been off on my birthday in probably seven or eight years. And because it’s high season, he’s not allowed to ask for it off. Especially now that we live so far away from my closest family and friends, I really don’t have anyone to celebrate it with. Curiously, that doesn’t seem to bother me. Probably because I’m so busy having a gay holiday, that it’s easy to just look over it. Typing that last sentence makes me wonder if I should revisit that omission.   

Over the years, one tradition that has developed is that I buy myself a birthday cake. But not just any cake, I always buy a Christmas cake and have “Happy Birthday Rad” written on it. This has gotten me more than a few weird looks from bakers. But it’s born out of growing up. We were pretty poor. And my mom could snag a Christmas cake at a grocery cheaper than having a unique birthday cake made. It didn’t bother me. I became accustomed to my birthday cakes being covered in poinsettias rather than roses. Here are my cakes from the last couple of birthdays:

But rather than focus on getting another year older, this year I found a better way to celebrate my birthday. I created a brand-new video series called “The 12 Days of Oracle Cards!” You may remember that I did the “12 Days of Tarot” a couple of years back. This is my new version based upon The Archangel Michael Sword of Light Oracle cards.  And just like the tarot series, the oracle card series is jammed with costume changes which created utter havoc in my house!  

If you want to get in on the fun (and it was a hoot to shoot) just make sure you go to my facebook page! By the way, I share some of my personal traditions in this series as well as showing you childhood heirlooms. I also provide tips for surviving and thriving during the holidays. I can’t wait to hear what you think!

Ho, ho, ho!

Energetic Weather Report for May 22nd – 28th

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