This week I did something I had never done before. I asked my cards what this week’s blog should be about. I used my new deck, Angel Wisdom Tarot Cards. The answer was Ace of Fire. Here’s the card: 


I love my new deck and I think the artwork by Dan Craig is as beautiful a collection of work as I have ever collaborated on. And I do very much like all of our Aces in Angel Wisdom. Still I resisted when I pulled this card. Not because I don’t like the message. It’s a great message full of hope and optimism. I resisted because it felt like a continuation of the messages from the last two week’s worth of blogs.

So… I pulled out another deck and asked the same question. Guess what happened? (You know what happened, don’t you?)

Yes, it’s true I got the same card. After all these years of working with the angels and experiencing the true power of synchronicities, you don’t have to tell me a third time.

This is a powerful time of rethinking for me personally. I am doing a lot of reevaluating about the way that I work and also about trying to find balance that includes taking better care of myself. My friend and colleague, Dougall Fraser, has been (very lovingly) on my case about this for months. And he is right. I need a new, balanced way of experiencing my work and my life. At first, I took to this task as just that… like a task. But as I have brainstormed with myself and my angels, I have started to get excited about the possibilities.

Our magical little ginger Ace of Fire appears young to represent the newness of the situation. This little guy is planting trees and flowers that will grow and develop. He has a touch of magic in his wand and the devoted friendship of his dragon. The crescent moon above his head is just heading out of the new moon phase indicating that opportunities will grow as we head to the next full moon. But keep in mind that his youthfulness is a metaphor. We as children of the Divine circle through the Ace of Fire energy regularly through our lives. I have had to remake myself many, many times. The time has come for me to take wand in hand and plant a new (metaphorical) tree!

Towards that end, I am going to take a little time off to reflect. And as I do so, I am going to be remembering that this is not a task. It is a magical opportunity and it is up to me to make the most of it.

What about you? Is it time for you to re-experience your inner Ace of Fire?


Angel blessings,






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