Well, here we go again. Mercury Retrograde has begun (Tuesday, May 7th) and will be on a little backwards romp through our charts until June 3rd. I know that Merc Retro makes a lot of people nervous. It’s an awfully personal planet given that it represents technology, communication, and all things intellectual. I touch at least 4 devices a day in my regular life, so if Mercury wants to mess with them, that’s no fun. Communication is also a big part of what I do for a living.

To (hopefully) give all of us a little calm on the topic, I decided to grab Guardian Angel Messages Tarot Cards and do a three-card reading for the retro. The first card represents what is being offered to us as we enter the retrograde, the second card reflects where we’ll be once Mercury slows down to a stop at the end of the retrograde, and then the third card is to show us where we’ll be once Mercury has made it’s way back to where it started in the sky before it went all backwards on us. The reading was very interesting. Here it is:




Ace of Fire is a card of great opportunity. It often has a creative edge to it and it reflects taking action. I find it hard to completely disconnect the Ace, Two, Three, and Four of Fire cards because they tell such a story of being excited to start something new and then have it slowly become a big success that warrants celebration. Of course, a lot of people would tell you not to start something new during a Mercury Retrograde, but that’s not always avoidable. The world doesn’t just stop and go into hibernation three or (in this year’s case) four times a year during a Merc Retro. You can start new things, but the key to it all is planning, more planning, obsessing over the details, and reading the fine print. However, based on the other cards, I think that Ace of Fire is reflecting on the very real opportunity for personal growth in our lives.

Some of you moaned at that. (I heard you.) But you shouldn’t. Personal growth is how we get where we want to be. It’s how we free ourselves of our pain. And the release card would tend to validate that that’s exactly what we get out of this Merc Retro. If Ace of Fire represents where we were the moment the retro began, then all that releasing and transformation during the retro puts us in the Magician’s seat by the time Mercury has returned to its original position. In my world, The Magician totally trumps the Ace of Fire as a great place to be.

So as you work your way through this Mercury Retrograde’s minor annoyances mixed in with major revelations, try to be grateful for all the magic that will fall into your life once you’re done.


With you on the (backwards) journey!




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