Over the years, I have experienced many signs from my angels. An uncountable number of them were subtle. That didn’t make them less important, but most of the times the language of the angels is understated. However, from time to time you have one that is mind blowing. My experience is that the mind-blowing ones are when your heart feels like it’s at the most risk.

That was me on Friday, February 5th. And as my heart went into panic and heartbreak, I received one of the most powerful angel signs I have ever experienced. (Seriously, we’re talking top 5 here, people.)

Here’s what happened.

On the morning of the 5th, I took our sheltie boy Jace in for a regular checkup. He’s getting older, so he gets them every 6 months. We had a few concerns here and there, but nothing to prepare us for the news we would get. In the world of Covid, you don’t get to go into the vet clinic with your pooch (at least not where I live.)  So I had to sit in my car and wait for the vet to call.  As soon as she started talking, I had a sinking feeling. Then she used the “c” word.


She told me we had caught it early, but we needed to move quickly.  She told me the best facilities in the state for me to contact and that in her 30 something years of experience, the ones she was suggesting were pretty much equal to the task.  “Take the one that can get him in the fastest.” she said.

Once I hung up and they had brought Jace back to me, I called my husband Lee from the parking lot.  He answered, and I literally could not speak. He kept saying “Hello? Are you there?” but I couldn’t push the words out of my mouth. I couldn’t make myself say it. Finally, I just started to cry and only then could I tell him what was happening.

As I drove home, I was bombarded with a barrage of 44’s (the number of the angels.) To me this has morphed over time into a sign that all is going to be okay and I just needed to calm down. But 44’s are a subtle language of the angels. I noticed them. I took them in. But they were not enough. Not this time.

Once I was home, I immediately started calling vet hospitals with outstanding oncology departments. Once I had appointments lined up, I checked my mail.

In my mail was a package from the UK. Curious. I didn’t remember ordering anything.

Once I had the package open, everything got very odd. The package was a gift from a student in the UK named Barbie. A gift meant to be delivered for Halloween.

Yes, last Halloween. It was full of candy, an adorable little teacup decorated with pumpkins, and a note. How weird is it that a package mailed in October took this long to get here?

The miracle wasn’t the candy. The miracle wasn’t the cup (though I do like it very much.) The miracle was in the note.

In the note, Barbie said nice things to me, but then in a sort of random way she was writing about how her pets had been going through terrible health challenges, but she was happy to report that they had suddenly had miraculous recoveries and were on their way back to health.

The hair stood up on my arms and my mouth nearly hit the ground.

There. In my hands. I held a note mailed in October meant to arrive to me by Halloween, that took some sort of angelically designed detour so that it would arrive on the very day I found out my boy had cancer just to hear of my student’s pets having miraculous recoveries.

Mind. Blown. I started to cry, but this time in relief. Lee cried too.

That is not to say that during Jace’s road to recovery that I still wasn’t scared out of my mind. I was. But every time I would get too far gone, I’d pull out that note. That magical note. The note that told of miraculous pet healings on the very day I most needed to hear that.

Jace is cancer free today. At least so far as we can see. There’s a blip in his recovery, but it will be okay.

I am not perfect. If you think I am, then seriously you have not been paying attention. <grin> I would on any given day tell you that I’m not necessarily worthy of the angels shifting time and space to comfort me on the day where I felt like my world would fall apart.

But there they were, at my side. And in that moment, it’s impossible for me to rationalize anything other than yes… I am a child of the Divine, and clearly the messengers of the Divine are watching out for me.

And if they are watching out for me – imperfect as I am – then they are also watching out for you.


With love and awe,


PS. Thanks Barbie. You’re the best.


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