Yesterday on one of the social media platforms, someone had posted a meme that was meant as an affirmation. It said “My past is behind me. I am no longer affected by what has been. Only by what is now.”
I looked at that and thought to myself. “Really?” Is it really just that easy to walk away from the experiences we’ve had in the past? Don’t they make us who we are?
Am I not made up of all the Rads I’ve been in the past?
During 2022 (and the end parts of 2021) I’ve been very interested in the stories we tell ourselves and how we write or edit those stories in our heads. In my own personal work, I have found it extremely annoying and even frustrating just how much my childhood and adolescence still fiddles with my mental and emotional makeup. I know who I am and how that is (for better or worse) the driver of my reality. If I could turn off the faucet of how my past created my reality, would I do that? Would that be good? Or bad?
So, I reached out to someone smarter than me to see what she thought. This is what Heather Hildebrand had to say:
“I am grateful to have uncovered the light and love from even the darkest moments of my past. I celebrate who I am now and know that all the parts of my past have helped to create the strong, compassionate, wise and capable person I am today. Blessed be all of my yesterdays and all of my tomorrows.”
See what I mean? Smarter than me.
I think what Heather is saying is that the power that the past has upon us is directly related to the power that we give it. And also, how we perceive the past and the experiences we’ve lived through compared to how we are living our best here and now.
I’m curious what you think. Is the past something we can walk away from? Or must we integrate the past into the present to create the future? I know that sounds like I think there’s one right answer, but almost never think that. So what’s your take?
By the way, our very popular Summer Sale is about to come to a close. Courses and meditations that regularly cost hundreds of dollars are $11, $22, $33, $44 etc. In case you’re curious, the most popular by far has been the Angel Wisdom Tarot Workshop. If you’re a fan of my Angel Wisdom Tarot Cards, then you might want to check that out by visiting here!
In the meantime, I think my focus right now is on the second half of 2022 because I can NOT believe we’re more than halfway through this year!
With you on the journey,
Energetic Weather Report for May 22nd – 28th
Over the last 6 weeks I’ve just sort of been meandering through all my decks. Naturally, I couldn’t leave out the one that started it all! So, Angel Tarot Cards had a lot to say about career and life purpose this week. If that’s on your mind, you should have a look!...
Blue Skies, Shining on Me
As of just an hour ago of this writing, TeamRad just finished our annual planning for the coming year. I say “coming year” because over the course of time, it has just organically become the schedule that RadSchool functions on the timeline of a regular college. We do...
Energetic Weather Report for May 15th – 21st
Well, I’ve just got Archangel Power Tarot Cards on the brain this week! And boy did they have a very strong message. For them to be so repetitive must mean some of us are being resistant to letting the past go. But apparently, we really need to! Get the scoop here!...
Mercury Retrograde Card Reading
Well, here we go again. Mercury Retrograde has begun (Tuesday, May 7th) and will be on a little backwards romp through our charts until June 3rd. I know that Merc Retro makes a lot of people nervous. It’s an awfully personal planet given that it represents technology,...
Energetic Weather Report for May 8th – 14th
It has been way too long since I reached out to the fairies for an Energetic Weather Report, so it was time for Fairy Tarot Cards! The fairies are often direct with a bit of sassy in their message, and this time was no different. Go and get their advice for the week...
I am definitely a product of my past. I like to think of myself as a work in progress, far from perfect. But if not for the past, I wouldn’t be who I am today, and if not for who I am today, I wouldn’t be striving for the person I’ll be tomorrow.
And just for the record, despite everything, I think I’m a pretty freaking awesome person as I am… I just keep getting better with age.
There is no past. There is no future. There is only now, although this is debatable! (how can there be ‘now?’ when future and past are flowing?)
Do hope I haven’t muddled your mind because I LOVE you!
LOL! It’s a conundrum!
We are like an amazing computer, but we may be running an old program that triggers us and keeps us tied to past traumas in an unhealthy way. We can go back, recsue our inner child, adolescent, or young adult, bring them into the now and run a new and empowering program. While our past does make us who we are, and has given us valuable lessons, running an old program that does not allow us to live our best doesn’t serve our highest good. It’s all about soul growth.
Great analogy.
The endless cycle of reliving my past taught me so many lessons. I truly believe I was brought here to learn how to stand up for myself, find that one person who would listen, put myself first, and shake off all the toxicity. Everyone’s timeline is different, but at 55 years-old I am finally feeling some peace and can thank my past. Thank you for this post
I dont think we can move forward without the lessons we learnt, total acceptance of the fact our soul needed the journey to bring us to this point are lives . So no sorrow, pain, dialssapointment – just a joyous acceptance of it was meant for our growth . Then it is a seamless part of our history woven into the fabric of our lives .
I think our past is very important in creating who we are, but we need to know that some of our greatest lessons come through contrast. Going through “hard” things in life is inevitable, and instead of letting them define us, we need to grow and learn from the lessons and then let the past stay in the past. Going through hard times allows us to “feel” through the situation and to know more how we would rather live our life. I think we learn a great deal from all the lessons we go through in our lifetime and we just keep getting wiser and wiser.
This issue of my past has been a long process of learning. I can honestly speak from “my” wisdom. The main wisdoms I’ve received & live by are these: 1) Our past is very important in as much as it shows us thru the emotions & choices we made what the Truth is. I’ve listened to “beings” who were channeled who spoke of being aware of it but focusing on what you want & others who speak of the “wisdom” from the past. This 2nd one is what I found to be the Truth for me. There’s a fine line of allowing the emotions & beliefs from the past to surface & honor them but not getting caught up for extended lengths of time in the details. It’s important to ask our Guardian/Arch angels to be there to help us thru these experiences & to see the greater purpose that they served in our lives. This part help tremendously with the healing of very traumatic events. The main takeaway is once we recognize the beliefs & choices that brought these experiences (I’m mainly speaking about fear based past) we then ask our guides/angels (AAMichael) to remove these roots, seeds & all. 2)Then we need to decide what beliefs from Love & Light we choose to replace this with. If the belief was “I’m not worthy”, we need to replace it with something like “I am worthy of abundance, Love, etc.” It is this process & the connection & working with these beings of Light that has made this process of clearing of my past more bearable & quicker.
I found this quote in a church today in Germany.
Das Morgen kann nur blühen, wenn es im Gestern wurzelt und im Heute wächst.
The English version / translation reads like this:
Tomorrow can only flourush, if it is rootef in yesterday, and grows in today.
Past, present and future are interconnected, but it is important for us to live in the now.
Love and angel blessings
I recently went back home to the UK. I’ve lived in Australia for many years. It was so good to return, and see my family after so long. When I was there, I remembered the young woman who left. I realized how grateful I am for my past. The difficulties of my teens and 20’s that led to my search overseas for new adventures and my true self. I’m even grateful for the hardest challenges and life lessons that shaped me. I knew that had I stayed in the tiny place of my birth I wouldn’t have become who I am today. I may have remained the shy, scared and self conscious person I was. I may not have found my purpose. So I agree, we can’t leave our past. We can leave certain circumstances and we can leave our resentments if we choose, but not how they shaped us.I think time is circular, like a spiral, we keep meeting ourselves on the path!
My experience is that our past has a huge effect in directing…driving our present actions, choices, and yes, thoughts. If your past has negative episodes and stories in it, then the past has a troubling effect on the present. Regarding what power we give it: a lot of it is buried in unconscious beliefs, which are often beyond our immediate power. Secondly, often in challenging episodes in our past, we give away our power because it feels the safest thing to do? So perhaps the first step is to reclaim our power…our true power? I use Tapping…my go to thing, and perhaps affirmations can also help? … The second step is to bring the unconscious beliefs into your awareness. And from there it becomes possible to release them. That’s how it works for me anyway…..along with my new found revelations thanks to Radleigh about what Benjamin Hardy has to say about the future self. This is a fab. way of releasing the power of the past . Thanks for all of that✨ x