I have a daily prayer. Well… actually, one of the people that I see for self-care says that it’s less a prayer and more of a mantra. And I admit that it’s quite memorized. I can practically say it in my sleep. It includes things like protection for my family, severing energetic connections, abundance, health, positive thoughts, the assistance of my guardian angels, epiphanies, and creativity. That list doesn’t include any special requests I might be adding on to the end like prayers for the health of a friend or the positive outcome of a challenge one of my students is going through.  

On a recent angel walk (otherwise known as mindfulness meditation), my guardian angels were listening to me going through my “mantra” when one of them interrupted me to say “Pray a new prayer.” It surprised me and my response was “I’m sorry, what?” My guardian angel answered with “I said, pray a new prayer. This one is so mechanical now that you’re barely even present for it. It’s time for a new prayer.” 

Now this perplexed me. On the one hand, my guardian had a point. My prayers had become mechanical. On the other hand, if you look at the list I outlined to you above, there’s really nothing there I wouldn’t want to include in my daily prayers and not much comes to mind that I would need to add to the list. So, the question becomes do I really need a whole new prayer or do I just need to find a way to be more present for the old one? 

So, I went back to this particular guardian angel to ask him. His response was “I understand your question. However, it’s a new year. A new decade even. When was the last time you really sat down and thought about what you want in your life? What you want your life to be? Your prayer is mechanical, but maybe so are your wishes. Do your prayerful desires still match who you are? Are you just automatically asking for health and abundance etc. – which of course are logical – but maybe you’ve become someone new and you’re wrong about there not being anything new that needs to be added.” 

And just like that, I knew he was right. It wasn’t so much that I knew right away what needed to be added, but intuitively I did know right away that there are missing wishes and desires in my “mechanical prayer.” As a part of my New Year changes to my life, I was going to have to spend some time focusing on not just what my word is for 2020 (see last week’s blog) but also what my wishes are.   

Specific wishes. 

So what about you? Is it time for a new prayer? 

Happy New Year!



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