In January of this year, I asked the (very psychic) students in my Magical Membership Group what archangel they would like to focus on in February. We took a vote. They chose Archangel Chamuel. Among other things, Chamuel is known as the Archangel of Global and Personal Peace.
So, wow. Wow. They chose the archangel of global peace for February without any idea that one country would invade another one for no legitimate reason. And without any doubt, Chamuel is possibly the archangel we need more than any other right now.
But there is another that we need, and he is right there in the colors of the Ukrainian flag.
Archangel Michael is the archangel of protection, safety, and truth. He shows up for me in a sapphire blue, but others say royal blue. Some people also say that the blue of Michael is laced with gold. Gold is close enough to yellow for me. So when I see the Ukrainian flag displayed, what I see is a country waving the flag of Archangel Michael right in the moment when their people need protection the most. Even if we stick with yellow, many people see that color as a projection of Archangel Uriel, the archangel of epiphany and transformation. And the world definitely needs to have a few epiphanies that lead to major transformations right now.
I am both blown away and not shocked at all by the archangels making their presence so blatantly known at this time. Angels can help what ails our world, but they do have to be asked. Whether you call it prayer, meditation, or just plain flat asking, my request is that everyone petition for peace from the angels. Every time you see that blue and yellow flag, ask for the help of Michael and Uriel. If you want extra credit, also ask Chamuel the archangel of global peace and Raguel, the archangel who works out disagreements between people (or nations.) If you need a little help, here it is:
“Dear Archangel Michael, please protect the people who are affected by the war in Europe. Please allow the full and total truth about the situation to be revealed. Archangel Uriel, I ask that the world see this moment as a huge epiphany. That people wake up and are motivated to enact positive and long lasting change. I ask Archangel Chamuel to bring peace to all people and to the world and to end this aggression. I ask Archangel Raguel to allow the parties from all sides to stop the fighting and to talk to one another so that they might find common ground so that all may be safe. And so it is.”
Pray for peace everyone. The human race is too old to still be acting this way. We need to grow up.
With love,
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Wow Thank you Radleigh. You are spot on. You may or may not know, Archangel Michael is the patron saint of Kyiv and Ukrainian kozaks carried his banner when defending Ukraine. Ukrainian people have a strong devotion towards him.
I didn’t know it when I wrote the blog, but someone in my private group pointed it out to me afterwards. Makes it all the more powerful, right?
LOVE your statement, “The human race is too old to still be acting this way. We need to grow up.” I want the bumper sticker!
Thank you for your prayers, I will be praying with Chamuel and Michael, and am so glad you pointed out that Michael is represented in their flag. Wars affect me very emotionally (despite not growing up around them)…. I should do some deeper akashic record work on that, though I already know I have been through some in past lives! Please keep praying everyday, all!
Recently I dreamed, many Hawks flying forward, in protection of Ukraine, both guardians and protectors!!!
There is also a wonderful photo of Archangel Michael in the sky, it was photographed in Ukraine yesterday morning- it was on Twitter-
Thank you for this beautiful and powerful prayer Radleigh! The Archangels gave me this sign this morning, in the sky above me were 4 small round clouds lined up in unison! The 4 angels Michael, Chamuel,Uriel, Raguel are here and watching over and protecting the Ukrainian people.
My prayers and meditation have been focus on world peace .
I received this message during meditation “The World Peace Movement .
Should everyone take off their uniforms and clothes , they would see we are all connected.
“(I have read or heard this before )
I feel it is not only the people of Ukraine but also the people of Russia who need prayers of protection.
Yes I so agree with you ,Radleigh we are more grown up and civilised than decades ago .yet ! We find ourselves now repeating the past . Instead of moving forward with the higher vibrations of peace and joy
Higher energy of peace love and prosperity will raine over the ego of intimidation ,greed ,bullying and fear
I love your words and messages that the vote for this month is Angel Chamuel and I can feel Archangel Michael protecting the peoples of both countries..
i pray others will call upon Archangel Michael and Chamuel and Michael for protection. And world peace.
I live in Australia let’s pray and call both Angels in to protect and keep peace in pacific area as well .
Our universe is in need of love
Respect and compassion. . ❤️⭕️❤️
Thank you Radleigh for helping bring world peace with reminders and messages through our Angels
Well said Radleigh! Thank you for addressing what needed to be said!
Yes, prayer is powerful. And so are the angels 🙂 xxx
What a beautiful soul you are Radleigh. I have printed out your prayer, and shall say it every day. I have family in Kiev, and am worried sick. Thank you so much.
Irene xx
Melbourne, Australia