Recently, Hay House UK asked me to speak at an online event called Your Divine Guardians: How to Work with Angels and Spirit Guides.”  The event happens on August 15th, 2020 and includes Diana Cooper, Kyle Gray, and others. When I asked what they’d like to hear me speak about, they very kindly said “whatever you’d like.”

I am very much aware of how challenging things are for many people right now. As optimistic and hopeful as I am, I feel the free-floating anxiety in the air right now. And just knowing that I am loved and angelically watched doesn’t always mean I can instantly turn a gray mood into a cheerful feeling. As I reflected upon what I might talk about at the event, I thought about all of the people who reach out to me each day. What could I offer that might help them with their search for joy when all they feel is unhappy?

What I know is what works for me. When my mood is not what I want it to be, I turn to Archangel Jophiel. I suppose you could consider her an archangel antidepressant. She is a color (fuchsia pink), a smell (roses), and a feeling (joy.) Her presence radiates hope. And asking for her help always makes me feel better. Here’s how to do it.

First of all, try your best to be alone and away from other people – especially other people who are contributing to your sad feelings. And then follow this little meditation:

Dear Archangel Jophiel, I find myself struggling with the anxieties and challenges of the day. While I know I have reasons to be joyful, I just can’t seem to access those feelings right now. I am reaching out to you because I know that you are the “beauty of God” and you have the ability to lift up my emotions. So I close my eyes but open my heart to your brilliant, deep pink light. I remember the smell of roses. I envision that you drop pink rose petals from heaven so that they gather around my feet. I feel your pink light wrapping around me like a bubble and allow my heart to lift as I picture my feet lifting just off the ground. I hear your whispers that say I am loved, I am blessed, and I am beautiful in the eyes of the Divine. 

I repeat your words. “I am loved. I am blessed. I am beautiful in the eyes of the Divine. I am loved. I am blessed. I am beautiful in the eyes of the Divine.”

I am aware that Jophiel waves someone to join us and it is Archangel Michael. Jophiel keeps my attention while her brother in Divine service clears away the energetic effects of fear, anxiety, and worry from me. I notice that Michael’s sapphire blue light swirls to blend with Jophiel’s fuchsia pink light all around me. The blue and pink globe protects me and makes me and I feel hope.  

Again, I repeat the words: “I am loved. I am blessed. I am beautiful in the eyes of the Divine. I am loved. I am blessed. I am beautiful in the eyes of the Divine.”

I ask that this feeling stay with me and grow as the day progresses. If my sadness returns, I will repeat your words and call up the smell of roses and remember that I walk a path lined with angelic rose petals.  

I open myself to optimism and an uplifted spirit.  

And so it is.

I hope that helps you. Give it several tries. I believe each time you request her help  you will more strongly feel the effects.

As to my talk for the UK event, I have decided on the following:

Four Archangels to Help You Love Your Life! 

Let’s face it… life right now is just plain weird! Many people are struggling to keep their chins up and their thoughts positive during this time of constant, global changes. But thankfully, you are never alone. There’s angelic assistance right beside you ready to help you to remember how to love life! Join Radleigh for a very personal chat about which archangels are perfect for the task and how to keep those archangels close by for whenever you a little happiness sprinkled into your life. Radleigh will also give you some information about those four archangels that you might not have heard before!

Hint hint: they might not be the four archangels you’re thinking!

I am hoping that it’s just what people need right now.


Angel blessings,


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