If you read my blog last week you know that I’ve been recovering from covid. As I write these blogs sometimes weeks in advance, my somewhat rosy prognosis for myself hasn’t completely worked out. I largely feel fine now, but I have a nasty cough that I just can’t seem to shake. For those of you kind enough to be asking in your mind how Lee is, he’s doing well and is back to work. But I am still prone to some pretty intense coughing fits that are defying medication.

As of this writing, I have been dealing with covid (in one way or another) for 19 days. 

Yesterday, I was lying in bed in the guest room (I’m still sequestered from Lee just so that I don’t keep him awake at night with my coughing.) I don’t mind admitting to you that I was feeling pretty darn sorry for myself. I’m sick of the cough, tired from the exertion of coughing, bored, lonely, and just plain anxiety laden because I’m not getting much work done. And as I sat there feeling all down and out, I happened to notice this laying on the top of the covers of my bed… 

Keep in mind, that’s a big close up of an extremely small white feather. At first, I was perplexed by its presence at all. Then it occurred to me that “oh, there’s a down duvet in there.” So I mindlessly picked it up and tossed it aside.  

Then it hit me. “Wait a minute. That’s a sign of hope.” So I quickly retrieved it and placed it on my bedside stand. And just like that, my spirits were lifted. Even though there is a down comforter in that cover, it was still no easy feat for that little, white feather to make its way out of the duvet and up through the cover and (basically) into my lap.  

The feather was tiny, but it’s message of hope, comfort, and love from my guardian angels was immense. And that’s the thing, isn’t it? How many tiny little signs from our angels do we miss (or dismiss) because we’re not thinking? If yours truly (a self-described angel boy) can be so focused on my unhappiness that I miss a message, then anyone can. That’s why it’s so important to stay awake. To train your eyes to notice even the smallest of signs from the angels.   

In these trying days on planet Earth, we all need all the love and comfort we can get.  

Speaking of angels, I have a new certification course that I’m going to be teaching LIVE in Tampa, Florida the end of October. It’s called the Certified Angelic Advisor Course and I’m planning an angel extravaganza! You can find out all about it here. The room is filling up fast and we’re nearly out of hotel rooms. So if you want to have the time of your life with the angels, start asking for signs (big or small) that you’re supposed to be there.


With you on the journey,







Fresh Start for Self-Care

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Energetic Weather Report for January 8th – 14th

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